Navigating the Efforts: Rescuing Drowning Victims from Karachi’s Rivers and Canals

Often in Karachi, volunteers from welfare organizations who search for bodies of drowned people in rivers, canals or the sea are trained, but sometimes the situation is so difficult that they have to continue the operation for hours and hours.

The biggest difficulty is that if they have to find a dead body in a drain, river or canal, their face is exposed and they have to find the victim by feeling with their hands or feet.

One such rescue operation was carried out by volunteers of the Edhi Foundation this week in the Pak Colony drain, in which sewage water and synthetic chemicals are also seen flowing.

The operation was launched on September 10 after an eight-year-old boy fell into a drain, but the rescue operation was called off after dark, which resumed the next day (September 11) and several hours later the child was found. The body was removed.

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According to Mohammad Salman, in charge of Edhi Foundation’s emergency operations, there are more drowning incidents in Karachi than in all major cities across Pakistan.

In a conversation with Independent Urdu, Muhammad Salman said that there are many small and big canals in Karachi apart from the Malir and Lyari rivers. There are settlements on both sides of these canals, where people fall while going from one side to the other through flimsy bridges built over the canals.

‘Children play on the banks of these drains. Majority of those who fall into drains are children. Apart from this, some of the people who bathe in the sea adjacent to Karachi also drown, so there are more drowning incidents in Karachi than in other cities.’

According to Mohammad Salman: ‘It is easy to find a dead body in a sea or a river with a strong current, but it is difficult to find a dead body in drains and even if found, it is difficult to retrieve it.’

He further said that ‘Karachi’s drains are full of plastic, garbage, wood and other waste, due to which the volunteers cannot easily search in this water and if a body is found, it is also trapped in the garbage. Which becomes difficult to pull out.’

According to the data of Edhi Foundation, from January to September this year, around 100 people drowned in the city, whose bodies were recovered from the sea, river or drains.

These figures are of those who drowned, whose bodies were recovered by Edhi volunteers. If the figures of dead bodies recovered by other welfare organizations and government bodies are collected, they will be in hundreds.

According to Mohammad Salman, Edhi divers are not only trained, but also undergo various vaccinations to keep them safe.

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#Karachi #dead #bodies #drowned #rivers #canals #removed
2024-09-13 03:08:13

Here are some People‍ Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: **The Hidden Dangers of⁣ Karachi’s Waterways: A Growing Concern**

The Hidden Dangers of Karachi’s Waterways: A Growing Concern

Karachi, the bustling metropolis of Pakistan, is home to a ‌coastline⁢ that stretches along the Arabian Sea. While ​the city’s beaches are a popular ⁤destination for tourists and locals⁣ alike, the waterways of Karachi pose a significant threat to human life. Drowning incidents have become a​ recurring phenomenon in⁤ the city, with a staggering number of​ cases reported every year.

According to Mohammad⁢ Salman, in ‌charge of Edhi⁣ Foundation’s emergency operations, Karachi has​ more ⁤drowning incidents than all major cities across Pakistan [[3]]. The city’s canals, rivers, and drains are hotspots for‍ accidents, with ⁣many ‌lives lost⁤ due to drowning. In fact, from January to September this year,⁢ around 100 people drowned in the city, whose bodies were recovered from the ‍sea, river, ​or drains [[3]].

One of the primary reasons behind these incidents is the presence of many small and big canals in Karachi, with settlements on both sides. People ​often fall into these canals while trying⁣ to cross from one side to the‌ other through flimsy bridges [[3]]. Children playing on the banks of these drains are⁢ also⁣ at risk, with many of them falling into the water and drowning [[3]].

Furthermore, the sea adjacent to Karachi is another area where people drown while bathing ⁢ [[3]]. In fact, at ‌least⁤ 33 people,​ including women​ and children, drowned in ‌just one month at Karachi’s ‌beaches‌ off the Arabian Sea [[1]]. More recently, six people drowned at ‍Hawkes Bay beach ‍in Karachi, with​ three‌ others in critical condition‍ [[2]].

The rescue operations to retrieve the⁤ bodies of‌ drowned individuals are often challenging⁢ and gruesome. Volunteers⁤ from welfare organizations, such‌ as the Edhi Foundation,​ have to search for bodies in‌ rivers, canals, or the sea, often having to feel with their‍ hands or⁤ feet to locate the victims [[3]]. In some cases,​ the bodies are found trapped in garbage and waste, making it difficult to retrieve them [[3]].

The situation​ is further complicated by the presence of sewage ‌water and synthetic‍ chemicals in ⁤the drains, which makes ⁣it‍ difficult for the volunteers to search for bodies [[3]]. ⁢The operation to retrieve the body of an eight-year-old boy⁢ who fell⁤ into a drain in ‌Pak‍ Colony, Karachi, was⁢ a case in ⁣point. The rescue operation was launched on​ September 10, but it was called off after dark, resuming⁢ the next ⁢day and taking several hours to recover the body [[3]].

The frequency of ⁤drowning ‌incidents in Karachi is a ‍growing concern, and it is essential to take measures ⁤to prevent such accidents. The authorities and welfare organizations must work ​together to create awareness among​ the people, particularly ⁣children, about‌ the dangers of playing near waterways‌ and⁣ the importance of taking safety precautions while bathing in the ⁣sea.

the⁢ waterways of ​Karachi pose a significant threat to human ​life, with many ​lives lost due to drowning ⁢incidents ​every year. It is crucial to take ​proactive steps ⁤to prevent⁢ these accidents and to provide ‌adequate training⁢ to volunteers and rescue teams to retrieve bodies‍ from the waterways. By working together, we can reduce the number of drowning incidents⁢ in Karachi and make the city’s waterways safer⁣ for everyone.





**Questions related to the title: The Hidden Dangers of Karachi’s Waterways: A Growing Concern for Drowning Incidents**

The Hidden Dangers of Karachi’s Waterways: A Growing Concern for Drowning Incidents

Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan, is often plagued by drowning incidents in its rivers, canals, and sea. The city’s waterways pose a significant threat to its residents, with many lives lost every year due to drowning. Volunte



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