Necessary studies on the impact of Hidradenitis Suppurativa in pregnant women

For the specialist, it is necessary to obtain more data that serve to better serve pregnant women with this condition.

Dr. Olga Pereira, obstetrician gynecologist. Photo: Provided to the Journal of Medicine and Public Health.

The Hidradenitis Supurativa (HS) refers to a dermatological condition in which different specialties such as endocrinology and gynecology can intervene. It generally occurs more frequently in women than in men, between the ages of 20 and 30, and with a ratio of almost 3:1.

During the Symposium ´Becoming aware of the Hidradenitis Supurativathe Dr. Olga Pereira, obstetrician gynecologist, mentioned that studies on hidradenitis and its impact on the health of pregnant women are scarce. In addition, she referred to the late diagnosis of this pathology.

“Most of the patients who come to my office do not have a diagnosis already established, but we find out during the course of physical examinations,” he emphasized. “A large part of Puerto Rican women do not have a primary care physician.either; this favors the delay of diagnosis and treatment of these patients”.

Additionally, the gynecologist raised a socioeconomic problem that tends to be presented by women whose levels of severity in the condition are higher, and it is precisely that some of these people do not have sufficient economic resources to be able to access treatment.

On the other hand, Dr. Pereira suggests carrying out a more thorough physical examination of patients, in order to facilitate and speed up the diagnostic process, if necessary. “As gynecologists we have to place more emphasis on the physical examinations that we do” she said. “We do breast exams and we can identify armpit lesions; If we do a pelvic exam, we see the groin and vulva area, where we can distinguish other lesions related to this disease.”

Therapeutic alternatives in pregnancy and lactation

It is no secret to anyone that, during the gestation period, additional care is required so as not to affect the normal course of pregnancy. For this reason, and although according to the expert there is not enough information on how this disease affects pregnancy, it is public knowledge that this percentage of the population finds more limitations in terms of therapies.

This is because they cannot use many treatments that are implemented in other patients., or simply do not want to use therapies that may trigger a major side effect. However, there is still room to be treated with topical antibiotics.”

Likewise, women who were undergoing treatment before becoming pregnant must undergo an assessment of risks and benefits, to discern whether or not it is feasible to continue with said therapy so as not to affect their health, the health of the baby, childbirth and/or the lactation process.

“My message to doctors is to make a better diagnosis. For patients, it is to express concern to the gynecologist, as he may be the only doctor you see routinely. This would give us a little more information regarding disease, we might refer more patients to dermatologists if the diagnosis is suspected, and thus start treatment early,” he concluded.



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