Neo’s “magic ball” is “amazing. It’s gone.” HR King The supreme ball sealed by King is “Kireegetsune” | Full-Count

Chunichi and Akira Neo[Photo: Yuji Arakawa]

Neo finished his first inning straddle with no runs

Pitcher Akira Neo of Chunichi pitched as 4th in the DeNA game held at Vantelin Dome on the 20th. His first inning straddle was also kept to zero. The slider that struck out No. 4 Soto, who hit the home run twice, struck out and struck out, which surprised the fans, saying, “It’s amazing. It’s gone.”

Pitched from 0-5 7 times 2 deaths. When he pushed Soto into a count of 2-2 with a straight ball over 150 kilometers, the slider thrown on the fifth ball suddenly changed vertically enough to make one band. Soto is striking out while his form is broken as he kneels. Neo went up to the mound eight times and closed it to a trio.

When the official Twitter of “DAZN” released the video of “Supreme One Ball”, “Eh, this slider Yaba”, “Kiree Egetsuneyo naa”, “What’s this vertical slur change amount S Yaro” I’ll do it as a fielder until recently “It’s not the ball thrown by the player,” “I feel romance in the pitcher Neo,” the acclaimed comments lined up.

[Actual video]”Kireegetsune” Neo is a startling change ball that struck out the helper No. 4 with a strikeout.

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