Netanyahu Affirms Ground Intervention in Gaza against Terrorism: Israel’s Battle for Survival

2023-10-25 19:21:31
Netanyahu reaffirmed that Israel is preparing for a ground intervention in Gaza: “This is a battle against the terrible monsters that wanted to kill us” (Europa Press)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed this Wednesday that the Army is preparing for a ground intervention in Gaza, but avoided giving details or specifying when it will occur, issues about which there has been much speculation in recent days.

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“We are preparing for a ground intervention in Gaza. “I will not specify when, how and how much, nor the various considerations that are being taken into account to give the green light – many of which are not known to our population, which is positive because we want to protect the lives of soldiers.” declared the president in a message addressed to the nation.

This long-awaited offensive, whose preparations began days ago, with a strong presence of troops and weapons in the areas near the border with the Strip, will seek “to make the murderers who committed these horrendous crimes pay for it.”

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“We have set two objectives: eradicate the military and government capabilities of Hamas and do everything possible to return the kidnapped people home,” Netanyahu explained in that sense and stated that “we are in a war for our sovereignty, our existence, working time trial, day and night. “This is a battle against the terrible monsters that wanted to kill us all.”

At this moment, one of Israel’s objectives is to eradicate Hamas and prevent an event like the one on October 7 from happening again (EFE)

He also reiterated his call to civilians in northern Gaza to evacuate the area and head south, to avoid being caught in the middle of the fighting of the offensive that is being prepared. “Leave and go to the south of the Gaza Strip, leave your homes,” he said.

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Netanyahu’s announcement came after several US media reported that his government had agreed to delay this offensive so that Washington could deploy new air defense systems to protect its troops in the Middle East, while other newspapers said it was about a delay due to the negotiation of the release of the hostages.

However, the official maintained that “the only thing that matters to us is saving this country and obtaining victory, and we do it without political considerations” and insisted that “the timing of the Israel Defense Forces operation has been determined.” unanimously of the cabinet in charge of this mission, together with the chief of the General Staff, and we work to guarantee the most optimal conditions for our troops during the next activities.”

Netanyahu maintained that “the only thing that matters to us is saving this country and obtaining victory, and we do it without political considerations” (REUTERS)

Meanwhile, the Pentagon denied this version and assured that they do not determine the time or the way in which IDF operations are carried out. In fact, President Joe Biden said that he “did not ask” Israel for this delay but only indicated that it must do everything possible to “get the civilians out safely” and, on the contrary, he stressed that the country has the right to respond to Hamas attacks.

On the other hand, Netanyahu referred to the “in-depth” investigations that will be carried out to evaluate what happened and determine responsibilities, although that “will happen only after the war.”

“Everyone will have to give answers, including me” but, now, “as prime minister I am responsible for guaranteeing the future of this country. Right now, my role is to lead the Israelis, the State of Israel and the people of Israel to an overwhelming victory,” he continued.

Once the war is over, the pertinent “in-depth” investigations will be carried out to evaluate what happened and determine responsibilities (REUTERS)

Before concluding, Netanyahu asked society not to forget “not even for a moment the terrible pain of the loss of more than 1,400 of our brothers and sisters who were massacred in cold blood.”

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