Network talk in Algeria.. Groom and newlyweds in one wedding!

Social networking sites in Algeria are buzzing with an event that is rare in Algerian society, which is the wedding of a groom with two newlyweds at the same time.

The young man, “Rachid”, made the event in the state of Skikda in the east of Algeria to become the talk of the Internet and communication sites, where the pioneers of the social media widely circulated an invitation card that they considered “unusual” bearing the name of a groom and newlyweds, and a party hall crowded with family, invitees and friends, what the Algerians interacted with through Sharing posts and comments, given that this rarely happens in this country, if not to say that it is a precedent, the first of its kind in Algeria.

As soon as the pictures of the young man, “Rasheed” and his two brides, spread, the Algerians unleashed their comments on the topic, especially since it coincided with a period in which wedding parties abound, which returned after a long absence due to the Corona epidemic.

Some wondered how the man managed to convince the two women, and made the exception that sparked controversy across various pages, while others interacted with the topic in a funny way.

The comments conflicted between surprising and cynical, and among those who considered it a personal matter that meant its owner, while others expressed their rejection and lack of acceptance of the matter, wondering how “Rasheed” would deal with his future brides.

One of the funniest comments was what someone wrote, who said that whoever was able to convince two girls to marry him in one night could solve the entire problems of Algeria, the problems of the Arab and Islamic world, and even the Ukrainian crisis.

This period of the year witnesses a lot of weddings and weddings for Algerians, an event that returned after a long absence due to the consequences of the Corona virus, as party halls regained their vitality, and processions returned to roaming the streets and neighborhoods to celebrate their newly weds.

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