New heat wave in Belgium: “We are well ahead of the most worrying scenario”

Few still doubted it, but it’s now official: Belgium is currently experiencing a heat wave. These episodes are more and more frequent and more and more intense… To the point of flirting with the most pessimistic scenarios of scientists.

For the record, a heat wave in Belgium is defined by temperatures above 25° for at least five days, with mercury exceeding 30° for at least three days.

We are well ahead of the most worrying scenario

Tropical temperatures that follow the most pessimistic scenario of the Royal Institute of Belgium. “Since 2015, there have been ten heat waves in Belgium. We are in a completely exceptional sequence since we have experienced more than one heat wave per summer. And this scenario, we only envisaged it on the horizon 2050 precisely“, explains Pascal Mormal, meteorologist at the Royal Institute of Belgium.

We are therefore well ahead of the most worrying scenario.

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