New York City, de The Men


«They go back to those beginnings and now they sound dirtier and closer to The Stooges or The Dictators than ever»

The Men
New York City
Fuzz Club Records, 2023


At the time, the Brooklyn band explained that they had introduced other sounds into their repertoire —such as Americana, country, surf, doo wop or a more classic rock—, due to his tours around the world, having access to other artists and other references. The abrasive garage rock of their first two albums became somewhat more accessible with these new influences, spreading across their next six albums.

The fact is that, in this ninth work, New York City, go back to those beginnings and now they sound dirtier and closer to The Stooges or The Dictators than ever. The needle of the amplifier is always at the limit, in the red zone, “eleven” as they said in This is spinal tap (1984), Rob Reiner’s mockumentary. Their furious, thunderous, and filthy ten songs come loaded with vitriolic vocals, saw-like guitars, and thumping rhythms. The only respite is provided by “Anyway I find you”, which is nonetheless equally intense.

Previous record review: Waiting for the sun to go down, by Albert Solo.

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