News 24 | Hypothyroidism.. Multiple symptoms.. and great danger

The thyroid gland is responsible for the metabolism and metabolism of the body, and this is done by secreting a lot of its own hormones.

The thyroid gland can become hypothyroid, which affects the health of the body in general, and causes it to have many health problems.

Most prominent symptoms

The most prominent symptoms that can be caused by hypothyroidism are obesity, joint pain, infertility and heart disease.

They also include constipation, dry skin, puffy face, hoarseness, muscle weakness, and high cholesterol.

Hypothyroidism.. Multiple symptoms.. and great danger

How to diagnose

The diagnosis of hypothyroidism depends on the results taken in the form of blood tests, which are used to measure the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which helps to check the level of functioning of the gland.

If thyroid hormone levels are low and TSH levels are high, this indicates an underactive thyroid gland.

The test also helps in diagnosing the correct dose of the drug in the initial stage as well as in the later stages.

Hypothyroidism.. Multiple symptoms.. and great danger

Check Effects

There are some factors that can affect blood tests for thyroid problems that need to be taken care of, including blood-thinning medications that may cause a discrepancy in the blood sample results.

Also, taking a biotin supplement that is given to people with vitamin deficiencies also gives false results in the test result.

food system

Hypothyroidism.. Multiple symptoms.. and great danger

Those with hypothyroidism need to follow a diet that minimizes the development of goiter in the body, since they suffer from an autoimmune disorder are at greater risk.

It also requires people with deficiencies to stop eating nutrients that may lead to the emergence of symptoms of hypothyroidism.

deficiency treatment

Hypothyroidism.. Multiple symptoms.. and great danger

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