Night of stars with Padre Himalaya in Sorède

The Solar Furnace site has experienced unusual activity reserved for its members only recently, from 9 p.m. No sunshine, but a conference on the birth of the Earth, followed by a presentation of the map of the sky with a laser pointer and a screen projection of the image of the sky taken with a telescope operated by Romain Llapasset. Pascal Marnot, passionate about astrophysics and member for more than 15 years of the Soler Astronomical Observatory, gave a fascinating conference under the stars on the origins of the solar system, 4.57 billion years ago. years, then from the earth 4.5 billion years ago. The speaker then unfolded the entire process that led to life, relying on numerous diagrams and various illustrations projected on the screen. He then opened the section on our positioning in the universe, and thanks to his explanations as well as to the telescope, the members present were able to better appreciate the role of the natural satellite that is the moon and observe the rings of Saturn despite the passage of some clouds.

New appointments

The friday august 26 at 8:30 p.m. there will be a new conference and a presentation whose central theme will be exoplanets. The sky will be scanned there using the electronic telescope and the images collected will be projected live. The event will always be reserved for members of the Friends of Padre Himalaya only. The association will hold two other meetings open to all, the Sunday August 27. A solar cooker creation workshop will bring together all those who wish to make one. The day of monday august 28 will be devoted to solar cooking, with presentation and demonstration of various cookers and other ovens.

Information: 06 82 01 56 61

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