Nîmes: Kylian Mbappé, the star of PSG, expected in the arenas

The footballer, star striker of the France team, is expected in the arenas, to attend the “inspiring meetings”, organized by his association Inspired by KM.

It is an event. The star footballer should arrive around 3 p.m. in the arenas, to participate in the Inspirational Meetings, an event organized by his association, intended for young people.

Already, on the forecourt, in front of the stands of the partner associations, or on the handball field set up by the USAM, whose president David Tébib supports the event, there are many young people.

A little later, we expect the testimonies of Jamel Debbouze, Booder, Michèle Laroque, Mélissa Theuriau and athletes including Clarisse Agbégnénou or Audrey Tcheumeo.

14 h 20

Sébastien Boueilh, former rugby player and inspiring sportsman, present on the stand of his association Les Colosses aux pieds d’argile.

Sébastien Boueilh, former rugby player and inspiring sportsman, is present on the stand of his association Les Colosses aux pieds d’argile, which fights against sexual violence and hazing in sports and education. The aim of the association is to support the victims and their relatives. The association is invited by the mother of Kylian Mbappé. The former rugby player has an atypical career. He was raped at age 12 and sport helped him stay alive and release his hatred. It recalls that 1 in 5 people are victims of sexual assault.

14 h 25

David Tebib and Fayza Lamari.

David Tebib and Fayza Lamari.
Free lunch

Fayza Lamari: “If Kylian’s notoriety can be used for that, it must be used to transmit. It seemed essential to us to create this association to light little lights in children. We live in an anxiety-provoking society, the period the Covid has been tough for young people, we want to offer them positive moments. We take the opportunity to highlight the associations, without which nothing would exist. I have 25 years of associative life behind me, I know their investment. We can’t do anything alone. It’s with the collective that we move forward. That’s what David Tebib offered me with this event and we immediately spoke the same language.”

Fayza Lamari, dressed very simply in black, is a former handball player. The mother of the star ensures that earlier, in the arenas, he “will not have his star hat, he will simply testify for the children who are there today”.

14 h 35

Young people from Nîmes Olympique are present.

Young people from Nîmes Olympique are present.
Free lunch

Between 150 and 200 young people from Nîmes Olympique participate in the activities: handball, ping pong or basketball offered on the forecourt of the arenas. “It is a pride to represent NO and to participate in this event,” said U13 manager Dominique Sablier. And young footballers are impatiently awaiting the arrival of their idol. “He’s my favorite player, I would like to become like him,” says Kaïs. “I prefer Pogba because he plays a defensive midfielder like me, but I’m so happy to see Mbappé,” explained Mourad. “He has to go to Real Madrid, it’s more at his level,” adds Nahël, who asks him to accept him on Snapchat.

14 h 45

On the stand of the Gard firefighters.

On the stand of the Gard firefighters.
Free lunch

The opportunity to board a fire truck.

The opportunity to board a fire truck.
Free lunch

The Sdis du Gard is present and Jérôme Chadouli (firefighter) gets the little ones into the truck. The objective here is to mediate, explain the job and change the way young people look at the job: “Is your equipment heavy?”, asks Kaïs, 8, a little Nîmes from the Jean-Jaurès district. before testing.

14 h 50

On the Usam stand.

On the Usam stand.
Free lunch

Signing session on the Usam stand, in the presence of the Green Team players. Here, fullbacks Luc Tobie and Jean-Jacques Acquevillo give pleasure to a young team supporter.

15 h 10

The arena gates are open.  The audience enters.

The arena gates are open. The audience enters.

NO youth in the stands.

NO youth in the stands.
Free lunch

Once the gates are open, the “wild animals” are released, in search of a good place in the stands. Excitement is at its height among the youngsters of NO. Their manager wonders how they will be able to go to train at 5 p.m. at the Bastide. It may indeed be complicated!

15 h 27

Delay: the children are installed on the bleachers and the press in the callejon, a stage has been set up on the track where the guests of this exceptional afternoon must express themselves.

15 h 34

We warm up in the arenas

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