Nintendo had warned them… There are almost 8 million pesos that this company will have to pay!

2023-04-26 22:01:51

Nintendo’s legal battles are the “daily bread” for its legal team, it is known that the Japanese company protects its intellectual properties a lot and is willing to take every illegal action regarding its franchises to trial.

Nintendo have a new legal victory, winning a lawsuit against Dstorage, a French company that had already been tipped off for illegal game hosting, and must pay more than 400,000 euros to the Japanese company and another 27,000 for the expenses of the legal process.

Nintendo is pleased with the decision of the Paris appeals court as it again sends a clear message that by refusing to remove or withdraw access to unauthorized copies of video games despite prior notice, shared hosting services as Dstorage (1fichier) are responsible under French law and must remove or block access to such content. They may be responsible for paying compensation to owners whose intellectual property rights have been infringed.”

Communicates the Japanese company upon winning the trial for illegal hosting of its titles, stating that “It’s not just a victory for Nintendo, but one for the entire video game industry.” and will prevent 1Fichier from requiring a prior court order before having to remove hacked content.

The truth is that Nintendo takes the leaks or illegal distribution of its games very seriously, to mention a few examples, the company behind Mario, investigates with Discord the user who leaked the book ‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’. The company states that “It’s not just a victory for Nintendo, but one for the entire video game industry.” and will prevent 1Fichier from requiring a prior court order before having to remove illegal content.

Nintendo’s streak with lawsuits does not stop, let’s not forget the story of Gary Bowser, the “hacker” who sold modified Switches, was jailed and after a few years he will be released, but he will have to pay Nintendo for the rest of his life.

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#Nintendo #warned #them.. #million #pesos #company #pay

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