Ninym Ralei inspires fabulous products — Kudasai

On the official site for Aniversalan online store run by NBC Universal Entertainment Japana collaboration with the animated franchise of Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu (The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt) in launching a variety of products focused squarely on Ninym Raleione of the main characters of the play.

  • The first of these products is a dakimakura case available for pre-order between March 15 and 30 of this year, and scheduled to be released in May of this year in Japan. It has a listed price of 13,200 yen (about US$112).
  • The second product is a life-size wallpaper showing the character wearing a sexy two-piece swimsuit, available for pre-order between March 15 and 30 this year, to be released next May in Japan. It will be priced at 3,850 yen (about US$33).

The series has been broadcast since January 11 and is confirmed with a total of twelve episodes. For its part, Tooru Toba and Fal Maro they began publishing the light novels through the imprint GA Bunko from the publisher SB Creative in May 2018. A manga adaptation by Emuda and titled Souda, Baikoku shiyou: Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsupublished since October 2019.

Sinopsis de Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu

The King of Natra has fallen ill, leaving the only hope for his kingdom to his son, Prince Wein Salema Arbalest. Known to be capable and wise, he is the perfect candidate to become the Prince Regent. However, if the prince has anything to say about it, he would rather sell the Kingdom of Natra to the highest bidder!

Since he wields the authority of the throne, no one can stop Wein from auctioning off the country and using the profits to retire comfortably. All he has to do is increase the value of the little kingdom to maximize his profits. But it remains to be seen whether Wein’s grand scheme will succeed, as his ingenuity often exceeds even his own expectations, to the benefit of the unwitting citizens of Natra.

Source: Official site

© Toru Toba / SB Creative / The Genius Prince Production Committee

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