Nipah: the mysteries of a very deadly virus

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As it becomes increasingly uncertain whether there will be a detailed explanation of the origin of Covid-19 in the near future, another relatively unknown virus continues to worry the WHO and scientists. His name is Nipah, he appeared in Malaysia in the late 1990s, and has been making regular appearances in Asia ever since.

While only 1,000 clinical deaths in total have been identified so far, with a mortality rate of between 40 and 75%, and an incubation period that can last up to 45 days, this virus affecting the brain is still considered one of the most serious epidemiological threats.

Object of little interest and research, it still remains very mysterious. But its appearance is well known, as are the causes of it: the destruction of the ecosystems where bats live, coupled with intensive farming. Two phenomena which have not however decreased in the world since the appearance of this virus.

“Nipah: the mysteries of a very deadly virus”, a great report by Gabrielle Maréchaux.


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