Nothing to do with the titanium casing! Fixed via iOS update! Apple responds to iPhone 15 Pro heating problem-ePrice.HK

2023-10-01 04:08:22

There have been many reports of the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max becoming overheated. Apple has just issued a statement to Forbes in response to the fact that it is aware of the problem and will correct it through the iOS 17 update. Apple mentioned that recent updates to many third-party models have caused system overload, resulting in body heat. Apple will work with developers to solve the problem.

Fixed via iOS update

Some of the programs causing the phone to heat up include Instagram, Uber and the racing game Asphalt 9: Legends, and the update Instagram launched on Wednesday already includes a fix. Apple also mentioned that the iPhone 15 Pro model may become warmer than expected during the first few days of use due to increased background activity. This is normal and temporary. The correction will be provided through iOS 17.1. Beta testing has already begun and is expected to be officially available at the end of October. Some foreign media estimate that Apple may also have the opportunity to correct the problem as soon as possible through a small-scale update to iOS 17.0.3.

Emphasis on not involving safety risks

Forbes stated that the iOS 17.1 update will not reduce the performance of the A17 Pro. Apple emphasized that the incident did not involve security risks and would not affect the long-term performance of the iPhone. Apple also stated that the rumor that the titanium body causes heat is not correct. On the contrary, the titanium frame and aluminum structure provide better heat dissipation than the stainless steel frame of the previous generation Pro model, indicating that the problem has nothing to do with the hardware.


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