Nuclear posted a cool caption after ‘Phetja’ said she was dressed as sexy as giving away for free.

Nuclear posted a cool caption after ‘Phetja’ told me to dress sexy like giving away free butter-jam comments like this. Must I be like this?

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After DJ Petchja Wichian, Nuclear Hansa’s ex-husband, gave an interview to the talk show show before the host asked about Nuclear that dressed up much hotter.

By DJ Petchja said, “I don’t feel anything. Because originally my own specs didn’t like flashing and flashing. When he was a sexy type, he didn’t feel anything. They also made an agreement before dating 10 years ago that they don’t like to dress like this. because he himself is jealous I want to see the sexiness of only one girlfriend. I don’t like giving away for free. Let’s come together like this. It’s good now Makes us feel that we don’t match our specs If, on the other hand, he was neat every day, it might make his heart tremble. If going in a way that is not our specification anyway The more it makes us feel nothing.”

Recently, nuclear has come out in motion. by posting a picture of himself with his son Taiga with the caption that “Because you are the best magic pill. #Caring about other people, why care about your child is enough.” Before holding Lakkhana, her sister commented that “It has passed, it has passed, don’t care.”

then nuclear also posted a picture of herself in a hot red dress. And the caption reads, “FYI: Grown-Ass Women Dress For Themselves — Not To Please Men,” meaning grown women dress up for themselves. not pleasing to men

At this event, close friends like Nay and Jam Neko Jump commented, “Right!!!!! But some older generations are stereotype. Dress like this, you have to behave like this… You can’t do anything, think that we are different races” and “That’s right!!!! For my own satisfaction! wade!”

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