Nutrition: these foods are good for morale – In the news

2023-10-03 14:52:25

October 3, 2023

With autumn, morale turns gray? One of the solutions may be on your plate! Provided, however, that you opt for foods likely to give you back tone and vitality. Which ?

Magnesium is an unstoppable anti-fatigue and anti-stress lever! There appear to be multiple sources: in fruits, primarily bananas. But also in fresh and dried vegetables (apricots, grapes, figs, etc.) and oilseeds (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.). Without forgetting the dark chocolate.

Also focus on omega 3, valuable for brain health. You will find it in oils (rapeseed, walnuts, etc.), fatty fish (sardines, herring, mackerel, etc.), seeds (flax, chia, squash, etc.) and fruits such as avocados. So many foods rich in good fatty acids – unsaturated ones – and vitamins of course. What about vitamins (C…), exactly? They should be consumed almost without moderation. Once again in fruits and vegetables including in bulk, pepper – particularly red – lemon, kiwi and even broccoli.

Eat a variety and move

Please note, however, that there is no such thing as a miracle food. The key to a diet that is good for the body and therefore for the mind is to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables – which also provide you with fiber – including dried vegetables (chickpeas, lentils, etc.). For the rest, some whole foods also rich in fiber (bread, starchy foods), a protein alternation between fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, etc.) and white meats. Without forgetting here and there, a few drizzles of rapeseed and/or walnut oil. This healthy and balanced diet must be part of the most active lifestyle possible!

  • Source :, site consulted on September 29, 2023

  • Written by : David Picot – Edited by: Emmanuel Ducreuzet

#Nutrition #foods #good #morale #news

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