‘Oh! My Wedding` The second wedding of the couple who overcame the battle with cancer “At first…”

The outdoor wedding of the couple who overcame the battle with cancer was released.

The SBS entertainment program ‘Oh! In ‘My Wedding’, Kaebokdan was active in preparing for the wedding.

On this day, Jang Ji-rim and Hwang Do-yeon couple mentioned their first wedding, which was a mess, starting with a makeup shop delay and omitting gift exchange due to lack of time. Yoo Se-yoon, Eugene, Bong Tae-gyu, and Yoo Byung-jae drew attention when they started a project to restore a ruined wedding for the couple.

In particular, after the diagnosis of stage 4 intrahepatic biliary tract cancer, the bride who recovered her health through treatment and the groom, who always stood by her side, were revealed and surprised viewers. The first person the bride wanted to give a wedding invitation to was Professor Park Hee-cheol of the Department of Radiation Oncology, who treated her for cancer.

Yoo Se-yoon and Yoo Byung-jae, along with Jang Ji-rim and Hwang Do-yeon, took on a wakeboarding challenge and realized the bucket list they wanted to do after cancer was cured. At the same time, Eugene had a meaningful time meeting with Professor Park Hee-cheol of the Department of Radiation Oncology, who treated the bride’s cancer, and delivering the wedding invitation.

Since then, differences of opinion between Ji-rim Jang and Do-yeon Hwang have been drawn over the plan for their children. The conflict between the impatient bride and the groom who wants to postpone their children’s plans due to the possibility of cancer recurrence continued for a while, but the two received positive results from the pregnancy test, reassuring viewers.

In the second half, the outdoor wedding venue of Jang Ji-rim and Hwang Do-yeon, decorated in an antique hanok garden, was unveiled.

While the wedding rehearsal began, musical actors Jung Young-joo and Jung Da-hee came as guests and caught the attention of viewers. Jung Young-joo and Jung Da-hee, who were specially invited by Yoo Byung-jae for the bride who is a fan of musicals, sang the OST of ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ as a congratulatory song.

At the end of the broadcast, the appearance of Jang Ji-rim and Hwang Do-yeon wearing a hanbok and having a wedding was announced, raising expectations for the next episode.

‘Five! ‘My Wedding’ is a wedding variety program in which stars become wedding planners and present one-of-a-kind weddings to couples who have given up on their wedding for various reasons. It is broadcast every Sunday at 11:10 pm on SBS.

[김소연 스타투데이 기자]

photo courtesy of | SBS

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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