Oil-fired boilers: price, smell, consumption… what is the biofuel that will be launched on July 1?

the essential
Biofuel will hit the market on July 1, 2022. What is this new fuel? What will be its uses? At what price will it be sold? La Dépêche takes stock.

This is one of the proposals of the Citizen’s Climate Convention: ban domestic heating that uses fossil resources to protect the climate. From July 1, 2022, it will be forbidden to install an oil or coal boiler in a new home and, in the event of a breakdown, the owner has the obligation to replace his boiler with a more ecological device.

However, fuel oil will not disappear completely. Biofuel will be launched on July 1 by the FF3C (French Federation of fuels, fuels and heating).

What is biofuel?

As its name suggests, biofuel is a derivative of fuel oil with a share of biological origin in order to present more ecological properties. It contains a percentage of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) made from rapeseed grown in France. Two products will be available to consumers:

  • F10 composed of 10% rapeseed fatty acid methyl ester
  • F30 composed of 30% rapeseed fatty acid methyl ester

Launched initially, the F30 will be able to supply new boilers while the F10 could be generalized from 2024, “depending on the available resource”, specifies the sector. A delay that can be explained by logistical issues.

Should I change my boiler?

Current boilers can continue to operate with traditional domestic fuel oil. They tolerate a maximum of 7% maximum methyl fatty acid. Standardization work is underway to be able to go up to 10% with F10 biofuel. From July 1, 2022, only boilers that can operate with F30 may be installed in existing buildings to heat or produce hot water. To use the F30, it will be necessary to change the boiler burner and check the supply line. Each biocompatible material will bear the mention “Biofuel ready”. A heating engineer can provide you with details.

Will I have to use biofuel?

You can continue to use your traditional domestic oil boiler without limit. Any boiler quote made before July 1, 2022 will also allow the installation of a conventional oil-fired boiler. In the event of an irreparable breakdown, you will have to switch to F30 biofuel and adapt the boiler burner.

Should I change my tank?

Switching from traditional fuel oil to biofuel does not automatically require a change of tank. Steel and HDPE tanks are compatible according to the tests carried out. On the other hand, cleaning will be recommended if the storage has accumulated sedimentation and/or water.

Does biofuel heat as well as fuel oil?

The sector ensures that the rapeseed ester has good combustibility, good storage stability and good resistance to cold.

Will it be more expensive?

Biofuel will be more expensive. F30 biofuel should be 15% more expensive than current fuel oil. However, the profession indicates that a high-performance boiler consumes 25 to 30% less than a 25-year-old boiler. The customer will therefore save money on his bill.

Does biofuel have an odor?

Professionals indicate that the F30 has no particular smell.

Is it really greener?

Fossil fuel emissions are approximately 270 grams of C02 per kWh. For biofuel, emissions are around 60 grams of C02 per kWh. It must not cross the greenhouse gas emission thresholds.

Is fuel oil still used in France?

Obviously ! More than 3.5 million households still use fuel oil. They mainly live in individual houses in rural areas. It is the third heating energy in France. Traditional heating oil will still be sold beyond July 1, 2022.

Where will the rapeseed come from?

The rapeseed used in biofuel is produced mainly in the Centre-Val de Loire, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Grand-Est regions. France is one of the main producers in Europe with Germany. 5 million tonnes were produced in 2018. The sector ensures that rapeseed will be “available in sufficient quantity without competition with human food”. It is a monoculture in rotation with wheat and barley.

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