Old versus young – For health reasons

2023-06-27 18:08:30

Old soldiers of the Burmese junta oppress their youth while cacochymous ayatollahs of Iran kill the girls whose young faces trouble them. So many other countries are hampering the future of young people, as their gerontocrats equate loss of power with the death they fear.

Since the coup attempt of the old and libidinous Trump, I fear that our European democracies are no longer spared from these tyrannies of senescence.

I hope that our country, still capable of renewing its leaders, will be able to preserve its youth, all the more precious as the age pyramid shows it to be increasingly rare.

However, if I stick to the medical field, I must note that practices are dangerously diverted towards geriatrics to the detriment of youth. Whether in research concerns or budget allocations, seniors always seem to have priority.

Neurology is dominated by unbridled research on Alzheimer’s disease while research on the environmental causes of autism lacks audacity and funding.

Cancers of advanced ages benefit from staggering budgets in view of the mediocrity of health gains. The same sums invested for younger patients in all other areas of care would be ten times more profitable.

Despite the controversies over whether the cost of the last year of life represents 40%, 60% or 80% of the Social Security budget, the same percentage devoted to maternal and child protection would be better for our health future and for the future of our country in general. Scandalous talk! It is indeed necessary to devote as much money to the protection of the first as the last years of life. Alas, realism shows that we no longer have the means and that the detriment falls to the youngest.

The argument of more health problems with age is irrelevant if mental health is included. And if we insist on considering senescence as a disease, we should then measure the cost/benefit ratio of our actions to see that after the age of 75, medical intervention is more often harmful than beneficial.

Covid has provided striking proof of this deviation from health concerns. The average age of death there was over 80 years. To limit this lethality, almost all countries have adopted measures that have rapidly deteriorated the mental and psychological health of young people. Excusable error at the start of an unknown pandemic, but unforgivable after the impact on youth was clearly established.

Addictions, obesity and prematurity are new scourges at the start of life. They do not require research or drugs, as their environmental causes are well known. Every penny invested in their prevention is a thousand times more profitable than any resuscitation for respiratory virus disease, and moreover, improves life expectancy.


#young #health #reasons

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