On New Year’s Day, when parents bring their children to parties, parents should note the following 15 rules to avoid falling into the “salt of the face” scene.

7. Say “please” and “thank you” when asking for help (like giving spices, dishes, etc.).

8. At the dining table, you should sit upright, do not twist, make noise. Remind your child and sternly ask him to finish his meal and then run away.

9. If you want to leave the table during a meal, greet everyone and say “I’m sorry, I want to…”.

10. After eating, if you want to leave the table, you need the consent of your parents.

Table manners for older children:
In addition to the above notes, older children also need to pay attention to the following eating rules:

1. When eating, pay attention to save food for others, unless they clearly say that they do not want to eat anymore, otherwise, do not pour all the food on your plate.

2. If the table is very long and cannot be reached, try not to stand upright or stretch your arms, but ask someone to pass the plate over to pick up the food.

3. When children pick up or drop food or have a habit of rummaging through their plates, show them that no one does and show them it’s the bare minimum of courtesy when eating.

4. Older children should show awareness when participating in a party such as: sit well, listen attentively to other people talking, when the conversation involves yourself, please answer patiently. It is impolite to stare at a cell phone without saying a word.

5. When eating, hold chopsticks in one hand and bowl in one hand. Don’t put your hands under the table, nor put your elbows on the table.

5. After eating, take the initiative to help clean up.

Parents should immediately point out specific bad habits that children often have and immediately show measures to ask children to correct. Modeling and repeating daily the smallest rules of behavior in eating will encourage children to form good habits.

Dining table manners not only reflect a person’s self-cultivation but also help them move to a higher and further place in the future.

According to Vietnamese Women

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