On World Sleep Day, foods that help you relax

Many people suffer from insomnia for various reasons, and experts advise that good sleep is important for general health and its lack threatens the risk of many diseases.

On World Sleep Day, which falls on March 17, specialists point to foods that can help get enough and good sleep.

locates “foodThe five best foods and drinks to improve sleep quality.

First on the list is warm milk because it contains the amino acid tryptophan, which the body converts into serotonin and melatonin, two hormones that regulate sleep.

The site report also points to almonds as a good source of magnesium, which can help relax and reduce anxiety.

Pumpkin seeds have a benefit in helping sleep because they contain magnesium, according to the site, and dark chocolate also helps sleep because it contains antioxidants and magnesium.

The report referred to wholegrain crackers or wholegrain chips as a good source of magnesium, which aids relaxation and sleep.

Among other foods that help sleep, there is turkey meat, according to a report from the site “.HealthlineBecause it contains a high percentage of protein.

The site also identifies chamomile tea as a sleep aid because it contains flavones, a class of antioxidants that reduce inflammation. There is evidence that drinking this tea may boost the immune system and reduce anxiety and depression.

The site adds kiwi fruit, sour cherry juice, fatty fish, walnuts and white rice as foods that reduce anxiety and help relax the body and get a good and sufficient sleep.

site is advisedCleveland ClinicFocus on foods high in magnesium, including spinach, nuts and seeds, avocados and black beans.

Nutrition experts recommend eating a balanced and consistent diet to get enough and good sleep, avoiding other things such as caffeine and alcohol, and eating foods late in the day.

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