Online classes! Three medical groups return home due to Covid-19 – El Sol de Sinaloa

Culiacán, Sinaloa-.The rector of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Jesús Madueña Molina, reported that there are three medicine groups that have returned to virtual classes due to positive cases of covid-19.

He indicated that at the moment, only 84 cases of covid-19 have been registered, which are reported by the medical school, which is why these three groups are studying from home so that the virus does not continue to spread.

You can also read: Sepyc closes 24 schools in Sinaloa due to rebound in Covid-19 infections

“This week these cases were reported in medicine and that is why they were sent to virtual, next week it will be assessed,” he said.

The rector of the Rosalina house, specified that they will be intensifying the protocol measures within educational institutions, so that this disease does not continue to spread.

“We are going to continue with the protocol measures that we have had since the pandemic began, that does not change, the pandemic has not gone away, we have seen the increase, we are facing an imminent new wave,” he said.

He mentioned that no more cases have yet been reported to them, however, he acknowledged that there have been isolated cases.

Madueña Molina insisted that this possible wave that is approaching will not be very strong, because most of the students and teaching and administrative staff are vaccinated.

“The idea is not to suspend classes, but to do a more professional job, if there are groups that present cases of covid, they will be sent to virtual classes indefinitely, but we will not close schools,” he said.

Sanitary filters

The rector of the highest house of studies, explained that the institution has three sanitary filters, the first is at home, the second filter is at the entrance of the faculty and the third filter is in the classroom.

“Despite that, there are people who have symptoms and get into it, thinking it’s a flu, but no, any symptom that appears is an indicator,” he said.

He reiterated that it is necessary to be careful so that this situation does not get out of control, so they will continue to demand the mandatory use of face masks and the use of antibacterial gel.

“We are busy reinforcing sanitary measures so as not to have a surprise later,” he emphasized.

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