Optimal Tests for Autism Spectrum Disorders Diagnosis and Psycho-Educational Support

2024-04-17 12:13:59

Autism spectrum disorders affect +/-1% of the overall population. Given the limited resources allocated to the sector, it is all the more crucial that the professional knows which tests to use to diagnose all the specificities of the person in order to determine the best personalized psycho-educational support plan. These different questions are addressed with the objective of providing practitioners with a reference framework for choosing the most appropriate tests relating to: sensoriality, psychomotor development and intelligence, cognitive activities of memory, spatiality and theory of the mind, executive functions and activity regulation, and on cognitive, socio-emotional and socio-adaptive development. On this basis, it presents the most relevant tests accompanied by recommendations for their optimal use. Tests covered: ADi-R, ADOS-2, BECS, CARS-2, PEP 3, WPPSI-IV, NEMI-3, SON – R, NEPSY-2, Vineland-II…

#Assessing #autism #spectrum #disorder #children #adolescents #Adir #ados2 #pddmrs #becs #pep3 #eacatsa #gram #eda.. #1st #edition

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