Optimizing Muscle Growth: Effective Strength Training Techniques and Tips

2023-10-06 16:28:00
A man exercises in a gym using a kettlebell, as part of his CrossFit routine (Illustrative image Infobae)

Although the good weather seems to say otherwise, a few weeks ago summer came to an end in Spain and, with it, the excesses of the summer season. Hence, many have incorporated sport into their daily routine to feel fit again and gain muscle mass. But it is essential to put yourself in the hands of professionals to avoid making mistakes that lead to injuries. And, contrary to what many believe, to lose fat or lose weight, you have to opt for an increase in caloric expenditure, which is achieved with strength exercises, especially those done with weights or machines. Therefore, the countless hours of cardiovascular practice on a bicycle, elliptical or treadmill must give way to muscle training.

It is a scientifically proven fact that sport has countless benefits. Regular strength training is able to reduce fat accumulation and inflammation, while improving glucose metabolism or constipation. In addition, it is a good method to take care of mental health and combat anxiety and depression. In fact, it is common for it to produce an analgesic effect, improving the feeling of happiness.

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How many days should you train a week to gain strength? This is the eternal doubt and one of the most frequent questions asked by those who want to enter or delve even deeper into the world of sports. The first thing is to be clear that strength and muscle mass have a direct relationship. But the way to get them is not the same. This is because, while to achieve more strength you have to lift the maximum amount of weight possible, to gain muscle mass the ideal is to do more repetitions, even with less weight.

A woman immerses herself in a yoga session at a gym, seeking to improve her health and well-being. Exercise and mindfulness are essential to strengthen the body and mind. (Illustrative image Infobae)

To achieve muscle hypertrophy, that fashionable term that refers to the time required to train to increase muscle volume, several factors must be taken into account. This is because it depends on issues such as nutrition, intensity and frequency of exercise, but also the age and sex of each person. It is important to be clear that the results will not begin to be noticed until the first eight or twelve weeks of regular exercise, according to research carried out by the scientific journal Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

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In addition, there are causes that can make it difficult to gain muscle mass, since genetics or hormonal and metabolic predisposition also influence. This means that, in some cases, with fewer exercises it is easier to achieve the objectives and, in others, it is more complex to achieve results, despite the effort and perseverance.

To gain muscle mass, Men’s Health magazine establishes the guidelines to follow:

Vary the time in the repetitions. To get the most out of training sessions, it is essential to slow down the repetitions. This will ensure that the muscles are under tension for longer, which stimulates growth. In the case of weight lifting, the best frequency is between 0’5 and 3 seconds, both for concentric and eccentric movements. Raise the frequency. Even if you use the same weight and number of repetitions, it is possible to increase the impact of the exercise on the body by practicing effective lifting techniques. To do this, you have to look for the right grips, which provide greater control over the exercise. The target muscle is activated more, so the tension it is subjected to increases, similar to the effect caused by weight gain. It reduces rest times. Rest between sets is necessary and should not be less than two minutes, to reduce the risk of injury. But reducing the time increases the metabolic stress to which the muscle is subjected and stimulates the growth of muscle mass. Do more repetitions. To maximize the increase in muscle mass, it is perfect to do each exercise more times. The tension is good and, in the end, the muscle does not know how it has been applied, so it is a stimulus that will promote muscle growth.
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