Optimizing Protein Intake: The Benefits of Chicken Breast and Eggs for Muscle and Brain Health

2023-08-31 07:11:46

Animal protein that is well absorbed by the body… Helps maintain muscle and brain activity

Enter 2023.08.31 16:05 Hits 190 Enter 2023.08.31 16:05 Edit 2023.08.31 15:41 Hits 190 Adding vegetables and nuts to protein-rich chicken breast helps improve the taste. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Are there any good foods to strengthen muscles that shrink with age? Should I even take a factory-made protein supplement? Are there any safety issues? Let’s pay attention to raw food, chicken breast and eggs. If you eat regularly, you won’t feel a lack of protein. Let’s revisit the health effects of chicken breast and eggs.

Great chicken breast… 22.9% protein vs. 1.2% fat

Whole chicken is largely divided into three parts: breast, leg, and wing. The chest is again divided into breast meat and tenderloin. Breast meat is a muscle attached to the left-right side of the sternum, and relief is a muscle inside the breast meat. According to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, chicken breast has a protein content of 22.9%. It is significantly higher than other animal foods. If you lose weight by reducing the amount of food, it is easy to lose muscle, but chicken breast is helpful. On the other hand, fat is only 1.2% (breast meat), making it a highly recommended food for those trying to lose weight.

Skin beauty with blood vessel health, brain activation, and collagen effect

Chicken contains unsaturated fatty acids and linoleic acid, which is helpful for blood vessel health. It contributes to the prevention of arteriosclerosis, which is the hardening of blood vessels, and helps to prevent vascular diseases such as stroke (cerebral infarction-cerebral hemorrhage). Protein-essential amino acids promote the activity of brain neurotransmitters and are effective in maintaining normal cells. Chicken wings have a lot of collagen, which contributes to skin beauty and osteoporosis prevention. In particular, since collagen cannot be consumed through meals alone, collagen foods such as chicken should be eaten regularly.

The downside is that it gets messy easily… Add fruits, vegetables, and nuts to enhance taste + nutrients

The disadvantage of chicken breast is that it is composed of white muscle fibers, so the juice quickly disappears and becomes dry easily. Efforts are needed to bring out the flavor, such as avoiding excessive heating. It can be eaten in a variety of ways, such as grilled, stir-fried, and steamed, and if you make it into a salad with fruits, vegetables, and nuts, you can reduce the harshness of it. When purchasing, it is good to have thick and elastic flesh. If the meat is too white, it is an old chicken, so buy a light pink color. When storing, place in plastic wrap or plastic bag and refrigerate.

Eating eggs in the morning, maintaining muscle – protecting eyesight – helps memory

According to the National Standard Food Composition Table, 100g of egg contains 13.49g of protein in a boiled egg and 15.12g in a fried egg. If you eat eggs for breakfast and chicken breast for dinner, you don’t have to worry about protein. If you do strength training, you can lessen your worries about muscle contraction when you are over 40 years old. It also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect eyesight. It is also rich in choline, which helps brain activity, and helps maintain memory. Eating eggs in the morning gives you a sense of fullness, so you can prevent overeating at lunchtime, which helps you lose weight.

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