“Orbán would do Europe good” – – 2024-05-22 13:33:27

FPÖ prime candidate:

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán ought to apply for the place of President of the European Fee. That is what the FPÖ’s prime candidate in Austria for the European elections, Harald Vilimsky, desires.

In an interview with the Austrian information company APA on the weekend, the European politician stated that Orbán “is nice for Europe” as a result of he’s “the antithesis of all the EU institution.” On prime of that, the Hungarian Prime Minister is a assure that unlawful migration will likely be pushed again.

No manner anti-European

Vilimsky rejected the standard accusation from left-liberal media that right-wing events are “anti-European” in an analogous solution to Fidesz on this nation. In line with this, the FPÖ undoubtedly desires European cooperation, however an trade of these individuals “who carry the mistaken content material”. As well as, the bloated equipment in Brussels have to be slimmed down once more, simply because the member states should regain extra competencies “in order that we will have extra direct democracy once more”.

Austria is impartial!

The main candidate was additionally confronted with the assertion that in February he had agreed to Orbán’s proposal to abolish direct elections to the European Parliament. Vilimsky most popular to maintain a low profile, however he referred to as for the European Parliament to be halved and for a smaller EU Fee, in step with the spirit of the Lisbon Treaty.

In relation to the query of the nation’s readiness for battle, the FPÖ politician goes even additional than Orbán, saying even on the query of army help for an attacked EU member state: “We’re impartial. We can not enter right into a battle.”

#Orbán #Europe #good #Budapester #Zeitung

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