Organize the macOS Menu Bar with Spaced

A menu bar macOS is a great way to quickly access native and third-party app options without having to open them every time. However, it is true that it can get a little polluted if the user is not careful.

One way to make this section a little more organized is to install apps like Spaced, which lets the user group multiple menu bar items by adding separators between them. Thus, you can join related shortcuts in a single set, making everything more cohesive.

New app: Spaced — Arrange menu bar items into groups

Created by developer indie Sindre Sorhus, Spaced is completely free and has the advantage of being extremely simple to use. As you can see in the image above, the separations range from simple white spaces to dots, dashes and bars.

The app is especially useful for Mac owners with larger screens, like an iMac, for example. On smaller models like MacBooks, macOS tends to hide menu bar items when it starts to get too crowded.

Spaced is 100% free and can be installed from the Mac App Store or from its official page. It is compatible with machines equipped with macOS Ventura 13.0 or higher.

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