Orthopedist: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention of Bone and Joint Diseases – Synphat

2024-01-26 08:50:00

Health26 Jan. ’24 15:50

Bones and joints are important parts of the body. It has a duty to support weight. movement and helps protect various internal organs When there is an abnormal condition occurring in the bones or joints Diagnostic examination withOrthopedistDirectly is very important. Because in addition to helping to know the exact cause of the disease If you have serious symptoms It will be possible to treat and prevent it in a timely manner. What symptoms are there? That indicates it’s time to urgently make an appointment to see an orthopedist!? Today we would like to compile a list of basic symptoms that you can check yourself. What will they be? Let’s have a look together below!

Initial symptoms that should see an orthopedist

In general, symptoms indicating a bone or joint disorder range from mild to severe. The initial symptoms that are recommended to be checked by a doctor include:

Pain can be acute or chronic. Pain in one area of ​​the body or pain radiating down the arms, legs, or body

Weakness, arms and legs are weak Difficulty moving

Numbness in the arms, legs, and body

Swelling around joints or bones

Deformity, deformed bones or joints

Other symptoms that occur along with the above abnormal symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

Symptoms that should promptly see an orthopedist

In addition to the above symptoms There are some joint and bone disorders that we recommend urgent medical attention to. Because it may be a warning sign of severe disease such as

  • Back pain with fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, pain at night to the point of not being able to sleep, leg weakness, increased difficulty urinating and defecating. It could be a sign of spinal cancer or infection.
  • Severe headaches, pain in the neck, vomiting, nausea may be signs of a stroke.
  • Severe joint pain, swelling, redness, and heat may be signs of a joint infection.
  • Broken bones Especially broken bones with severe pain, swelling and redness, unable to move the joint.

Steps to see an orthopedist

However, when checking the list above, you found that you had abnormal symptoms. It is recommended to see an orthopedic doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Seeing an orthopedist may involve the following steps:

1. Report your medical history and unusual symptoms to the doctor.

2. The doctor will examine the area with abnormal symptoms.

3. The doctor may order additional tests such as x-rays, CT scans, MRI or blood tests.

4. The doctor will diagnose the cause of the symptoms and plan a treatment.

Treatment of bone and joint diseases

In general, treatment for orthopedic diseases depends on the cause of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. The treatment may be done in several ways such as:

  • Drug treatment such as pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and muscle relaxants
  • Physical therapy treatment
  • Surgery

Prevention of bone and joint disease

In addition to treatment Preventing bone and joint disease is also important. This can be done by

  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat complete, nutritious food.
  • Avoid risky behaviors such as lifting heavy objects and sitting or standing for long periods of time.
  • Take care of your body weight to be within the appropriate range.

Therefore, it is recommended to check your own body regularly. If there are abnormal symptoms that may be related to bones or joints It is recommended that you immediately see an orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment. It will help prevent the disease from spreading or becoming more severe.

Source: synphat

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