Osamu.Twenty-four solar terms | Xiaohan should do yoga, jogging, avoid sweating, diet, tonic, eat yam (08:48)-20220105-Hotspot-News

In the sunDo exercises to help Yang Qi rise

Be careful when you exercise. It is advisable to start exercising after the sun is out, and use the sun to help the body’s Yang Qi rise. Do warm-up exercises and take off your clothes after the body is warm; exercise should be moderate, do not sweat profusely, so as not to damage the yin fluid. Dress in time after exercise to avoid cold pathogens.

In terms of diet and health, common warming and tonic foods include mutton, beef, cinnamon, etc. However, eating more makes it easy to heat up. Common nourishing foods include fungus, sesame, black beans, sea cucumbers, abalone, etc. Be careful not to eat too much to avoid stagnation and hinder the stomach. Commonly used tonic foods, such as lotus seeds, gorgon, yam, white fungus, etc., these foods are more peaceful.

Osamu Recipes/Health Tips:

Osamu.Twenty-four solar terms|Xiaohan nourishes the kidney and prevents cold 4 food ingredients TCM teaching: adding leek and cinnamon to the diet to help warmth and nourish

【Xiaohan‧ Twenty-Four Solar Terms】Traditional Chinese Medicine Education: Soaking the feet to improve blood gas, honey lemon ginger tea to prevent colds

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