Out of control blood sugar will cause hair loss 2 ways to help reverse baldness | male baldness | insulin resistance | diabetes

Most patients with male baldness have insulin resistance. Controlling blood sugar and improving insulin resistance may make hair grow back. (Yashkin Ilya/Shutterstock)

Hair loss and baldness are the pain of many men and women. They affect the appearance and are not easy to treat, which brings psychological pressure to the patients.

In fact, in addition to genetic factors, poor insulin resistance and blood sugar control can also cause hair loss and baldness. If these two problems are not solved, it is difficult to cure hair loss alone.

Among the many causes of baldness, androgenic baldness is the most common, and it is generally believed to be caused by abnormal secretion of male hormones. As the hair continues to fall out, androgenic alopecia can vary by gender: Men suffer from Mediterranean pattern baldness, while women suffer from thinning hair on the crown.

Common treatments for male baldness include oral medication (Propecia), hair tonic, and hair transplant. However, a small number of patients will have side effects on Roupei, which may lead to abnormal sexual function and drowsiness. Hair tonic may cause allergies, and the effect is limited. Although hair transplantation can be done once and for all, the disadvantage is that the cost is too high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to afford it.

In addition to these treatment methods, Dr. Hong Jiande, MD, Johann Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, and metabolism specialist at Yiqimei Life Clinic, pointed out that people usually only notice the problem of male baldness caused by abnormal levels of male hormones, but they do not treat male hormones , can improve male baldness. Because most patients with male baldness have insulin resistance.

His years of clinical experience have proved that by adjusting the patient’s blood sugar and improving insulin resistance, not only the patient’s related conditions can be controlled and improved, but also the hair can grow back.

Studies have pointed out that insulin and androgen in the human body interact with each other:insulinMay help increase androgen secretion, whilehigh androgen levelsAssociated with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance.

Some studies have found that male baldness depends not only on genetics, but also on smoking,metabolic syndrome(i.e. insulin resistance) and other factors. Fat belly and mid-to-wide body are the characteristics of metabolic syndrome. Although these people have not progressed to diabetes, hair loss is a common symptom.

abdominal fat tissueThe accumulation of excess can cause metabolic disorders, which can easily lead to insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, hypertension, glucose intolerance and diabetes. Insulin resistance can affect the normal function of vascular endothelial cells, leading to microvascular insufficiency, local tissue hypoxia and hair follicle miniaturization, resulting in hair loss and baldness.

besidesResearchIt was found that people with a family history of hair loss who also suffer from metabolic syndrome are more likely to start losing their hair before the age of 30.

Patients with metabolic syndrome are characterized by a large belly, combined with insulin resistance, so they are prone to androgenic baldness. (Shutterstock)

Hong Jiande mentioned that if you are a diabetic patient, hair loss and baldness are one of the complications, especially when the glycated hemoglobin continues to exceed 10%, you will lose your hair significantly.

Hong Jiande explained that when blood sugar is poorly controlled, the synthesis of metabolism will be reduced and protein synthesis will stop. Hair growth is thus affected, resulting in hair loss and baldness. Not only that, but nails, wound healing, gastrointestinal epithelial cells, skin, immunity, etc., all parts involved in growth and synthesis in the body will become worse.

However, when the patient undergoes appropriate treatment to restore the body’s normal metabolism, the mechanism of growth and synthesis may be restored, and these problems may also be resolved.

Factors including food safety and environmental pollution will have adverse effects on body cells, resulting in hair loss and male baldness. But Hong Jiande said that these factors are often difficult to control. Therefore, he believes that when treating male baldness, it is an effective fundamental treatment to start with the problems of insulin and blood sugar.

Pay attention to “oil sugar powder” to improve insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is related to the patient’s own eating habits. The modern diet, full of too many foods with a high glycemic index, is the biggest cause of insulin resistance. From restaurants to supermarkets, fried foods, bread cakes, biscuits and candies, soda drinks, etc. are all foods that tend to raise blood sugar.

This kind of food has the characteristics of high fat, high sugar, and food made of powder. Therefore, Hong Jiande created a term to represent this kind of food – “oil sugar powder”.

He pointed out that according to global epidemiological studies, among the factors that cause insulin resistance and increased diabetes epidemics due to changes in the living environment, dietary changes are the most common, and “oil and sugar powder” account for the majority.

In addition to paying attention to the intake of “oil and sugar powder”, there are several dietary principles that can help control blood sugar and improve insulin resistance:

● Meal order: meat, vegetables, rice

Many people think that eating a regular meal is more likely to raise blood sugar than eating a snack. The real situation may be the opposite of what people think. “Eating a “oil-sugar powder” snack is more likely to raise blood sugar than eating a meal in the order of meat, vegetables, and rice,” Hong Jiande said.

Hong Jiande suggested that people eat meat in the order of eating meat first, then vegetables, and last, and pay attention to eating fresh, natural and diverse foods, so as to reduce the risk of abnormal blood sugar and insulin resistance.

Eating in the order of meat, vegetables, and rice can help improve insulin resistance. (Shutterstock)

● Choose whole grains as staple food

The continuous blood glucose monitor is like a “demon mirror”, making it impossible to hide the impact of different foods on blood sugar. Some foods that people think are easy to raise blood sugar may have little effect on blood sugar; while foods that people think are healthy may have a greater impact on blood sugar.

For example, white rice has a more stable rise in blood sugar than whole wheat bread.

For intact rice grains, wheat and other whole grains, the original structure of starch has not been destroyed, it takes a long time to digest, and blood sugar can be slowly released and increased. However, once they are ground into powder, the impact on blood sugar will become greater. Hong Jiande pointed out that even foods made from whole grains (bread, noodles) will still cause blood sugar to rise faster. “Never grind five grains, eat whole grains.”

It is worth noting that although commercially available instant oatmeal has a complete appearance, it has been deeply processed, so the rate of sugar increase is close to that of porridge and soup. According to Hong Jiande’s observation, its sugar-raising effect is similar to that of brewed instant noodles, and the blood sugar rise rate is only about 5 minutes later than that of glucose.

In addition, not all noodles are bad for blood sugar. If you choose pasta made of pure Duran flour, the effect on blood sugar is similar to that of white rice.

Unlike ordinary wheat, Duran wheat is hard wheat with high protein content, making the pasta hard. This kind of pasta is cooked according to the instructions on the package, and the noodles are only cooked until they are half or half cooked, and the noodles are a little white. In Hong Jiande’s research, the rate of sugar increase is very similar to that of rice.

On the contrary, if Duran flour accounts for only 20% of the ingredients of cheap pasta, or pasta that is too rotten, the rate of sugar rise will be faster, which is between the noodles made of ordinary wheat flour and the noodles made entirely of Duran flour. Made between pasta.

● Let the rice cool before eating

Hong Jiande said that if the patient eats in the order of meat, vegetables, and rice, and puts the white rice cold before eating, the blood sugar may be up to 120mg/dL, and the highest will not exceed 140mg/dL (the normal blood sugar value after meals is 80~140mg/dl ).

After the rice is cooked, eat it immediately, let it cool before eating, and eat it the next day, the blood sugar rise will be different. Cold rice and overnight meals contain more resistant starch, which can help slow down the rapid rise of blood sugar.

Cold rice and overnight rice contain more resistant starch, which helps control blood sugar. (Shutterstock)

Short-term use of insulin as prescribed by the doctor to restore hair growth

In addition to treating insulin resistance and stabilizing blood sugar through a reasonable diet, some type 2 diabetic patients with androgenic baldness also have the opportunity to grow hair after intensive treatment with insulin injections.

Hong Jiande introduced that when diabetic patients cannot effectively control blood sugar after taking multiple drugs, in order to avoid complications, they will be advised to inject insulin to strengthen blood sugar control. Under the supervision of physicians who are familiar with insulin, some patients only need short-term injections of insulin, and they can stop using it when their blood sugar stabilizes.

Coupled with the use of continuous blood glucose monitors in recent years, many people can better understand and cooperate with Dr. Hong’s treatment by constantly monitoring their blood glucose, and also get better treatment results. According to Hong Jiande’s clinical experience for more than 40 years: after 2 to 3 months of treatment including insulin injections, the blood sugar control of diabetic patients will gradually stabilize. Already dominated by black.

For example, a 62-year-old university professor has suffered from diabetes for many years. His blood sugar has been poorly controlled and has not been actively treated, and he is deeply troubled by male pattern baldness. Later, after oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin injections, the hair loss stopped, and black hair has grown in the original Mediterranean male baldness.

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Responsible editor: Li Qingfeng

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