Overlook the shot | When Macron refuses to test for COVID in Russia | Suthichai Yun : PPTVHD36

Talking about the Ukrainian crisis One of the mediators in talks with both Russia and Ukraine is President Emmanuel. France’s Macron which has an image that appears When the French president spoke with Russian President Putin, they were seated four meters apart, but when they flew to talk to the Ukrainian president, they sat close together. Despite the latest news coming out that The two had to sit apart like that because of the French president. Refuses to test for COVID-19 before meeting Putin, fearing president’s DNA will fall into Russian hands But many sides analyzed that Does this have diplomatic implications? Today, Khun Suthichai will analyze such issues. You can follow it from overlook shot #dark news #PPTVHD36 #Covid19 #Omicron #Sutthichaiyun #overlook shot #PPTVStories #Putin #Russia #USA #Ukraine #Macron Follow more news at the website https://www.pptvhd36.com and social media channels facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PPTVHD36 twitter : https://twitter.com/PPTVHD36 instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ pptvhd36/

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