Parliamentarians react to Campillai’s summons to the Government to pardon prisoners of explosion | National

After Senator Fabiola Campillai (IND) summoned the Government to pardon the prisoners of the outbreak, parliamentarians from the Human Rights commissions of Congress disagreed on the matter. Lorena Pizarro (PC) accused a “very dangerous radicalization” of the right in the Chamber. Meanwhile, Senator Gustavo Sanhueza (UDI) called to “respect justice” and to recover the public spaces destroyed after 18/O.

Parliamentarians from the Human Rights commissions of Congress reacted to the request of Fabiola Campillai (IND) regarding the prisoners of the social outbreak.

The senator asked Minister Carolina Tohá to schedule a meeting with President Gabriel Boric, in order to ask him to grant private pardons to people who are deprived of liberty.

He also spoke out against the process of reopening access to the Baquedano Station of the Santiago Metrowhich is located in the square of the same name.

Prisoners of the outbreak: Pizarro accuses “radicalization of the right”

Deputy Lorena Pizarro (PC), president of the Chamber’s Human Rights commission, assured that there is a discourse of the right where “every popular expression wants to make a simile to terrorism”.

“We have a right that, beyond advancing in a democratic sense of what democracy should do in a country as it can happen in other countries on the planet, has advanced in a very dangerous radicalization,” he added.

In this sense, he indicated that the right “It will be a permanent containment dam to advance the freedom of women prisoners and political prisoners.”

UDI senator for prisoners of the outbreak: “Justice must be respected”

In the Senate – where the amnesty project is currently located – there is also debate about it. The president of the Human Rights commission, Gastón Saavedra, supported Campillai’s request.

“The President has the power and, therefore, must grant this pardon and that means freedom for those who are in that situation”said.

In addition, he assured that he does not have the votes of the right to carry out the amnesty to the prisoners of the explosionso the private pardon is a good option.

“A lot of time has passed, the courts have not sanctioned and it is better that people return to their freedom”hill.

For his part, Gustavo Sanhueza (UDI) affirmed that Senator Campillai “must collaborate in advancing to recover the public spaces that cost Chile so much during the outbreak. Part of that progress is understanding that those who committed crimes must respect justice.”

“What he is asking of the President is an exclusive power of his and, if he has not applied up to now, the signal seems to be clear. Although we remember that the President has also been ambiguous and changeable in this matter”ended.

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