Peace on Earth: Biblical Perspectives on True Peace

2023-12-26 11:41:07

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Peace on earth among men with whom he is pleased.
Luc 2.14

On December 25, 1914, German, English and French soldiers came out of the trenches and fraternized. How could such a thing be possible? The miracle took place because traditional Christmas carols began to be sung by one camp and were then taken up by everyone.

Every year, on December 25, a large number of men celebrate Christmas, but many of them forget the first message that was proclaimed by the angels, the day the Messiah came into the world: “Peace on earth“. We can dream of universal peace, we can desire it, just as God would like it to reign everywhere, but peace can only exist among a single category of men: those whom God approved.

Are they super-spiritual, disembodied beings? people belonging to only one religious denomination? No, neither! God himself defines those whom he accepts, he does not show favoritism, but in every nation, he who fears him and practices justice, is acceptable to him (Acts 10.34-35).

This is what is said: those whom God approves are those who respect him (this is the meaning of the word fear) and who, amazed by his love, practice justice.

Messages of peace, especially at Christmas, are numerous, but what place does the Lord Jesus Christ have in our lives? The only one who can bring peace to a home in crisis, to the hearts of those who have just gone through bereavement, to an assembly of believers where tensions undermine fraternal communion, finally in any situation, it is Jesus.

What place will you give to Jesus on this day, and all the other days of your life?

Listen to the voice of God

Does God come first in your life? Take the time to listen to what he wants to tell you about this.

Praying is simple. Talk to God like you would your closest friend. God loves you and he can hear everything. Here is an example of a prayer: “Lord, you who came into the world to give peace, I make the decision to offer you first place from this day and all the days of my life. Amen.

Praise God

Let us take advantage of this special day to praise God. He loved the world so much that he gave what was dearest to him to save it. So, like the angels, at the birth of Jesus, let us proclaim: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those he loves. !”.

Take action today

As Jesus brought peace on earth, you can also be a messenger of peace around you. What can you do today for this? This could be reconciling with a family member, forgiving someone who hurt you, or encouraging someone.

Honor the Lord

Our journey for the day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

​​Lord Jesus, what a grace to have you in my life ! Yours be the kingdom, the power and the glory, amen !”

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Paul Calzada is a pastor. He served as a missionary and traveled throughout the world serving in leading the missionary work of the Assemblies of God. Today he serves with his wife in the MLK church in Créteil. The First Part Editions come

Here is what he writes about this book: Having entered my eightieth year, it seemed appropriate to take a look in the rearview mirror of my life, to remember the lessons learned. This resulted in a book in which I recall, through 31 thoughts, the real beauties of a season of life, rich in an experience with God, for God and men. You can get the book by clicking on this link.
#Peace #earth #Paul #Calzada #Thought #Day

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