People Who Drink A Lot Of Coffee Live Longer, Study Finds

par Rino Gallo

If coffee is one of your favorite beverages, you are less at risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Max tells you more!

Are you used to chaining cups of coffee to stay awake? It’s honestly not a good idea. According to a study by Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China, people who drink moderate amounts of coffee are less likely to die prematurely. To arrive at these results, the experts relied on data from more than 171,000 participants in the UK BioBank which collected information on the genetics, lifestyle and health of more than 500,000 people, including details of participants’ coffee drinking habits.

The study authors then found that over the 7-year follow-up period, participants who drank unsweetened coffee (regardless of the amount) had a 16-21% lower risk of dying than participants who didn’t drink coffee. The greatest reduction, 29% lower risk of death, was seen in people who drank between 2.5 and 4.5 cups a day.

“These conclusions are far from definitive,” says Naveed Sattar, professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow, who was not involved in the study. “This is because coffee drinkers are generally better off and lead healthier lives than non-drinkers. I would suggest people stick to coffee or tea, preferably no sugar, and try to do all the other things that keep you healthy like moving more, eating and sleeping better. »

The results presented above are confirmed by another British study. Indeed, nearly 500,000 participants were divided into three groups: those who do not drink coffee every day (22% of participants), moderate drinkers (58% of participants) and those who drink more than three cups. per day (i.e. 19% of participants).

At the end of the experiment, the researchers found that moderate drinkers were 12% less likely to die prematurely. They are 17% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease and the risk of a stroke is also reduced by 21% compared to people who do not drink coffee at all.

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