Periodontal disease or stomach cancer, dementia experts teach you how to prevent | prevent periodontal disease | dementia | cerebral infarction

periodontal diseaseBacteria infect the gums and damage the soft tissue. If left untreated, it can destroy the bone that supports the teeth, eventually causing the teeth to loosen or fall out.some chronic diseases such ascerebral infarctionheart disease, cancer ordementiaIt is also closely related to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is common but largely preventable with proper brushing to control plaque and regular dental checkups.

1. Cause cardiovascular disease

Periodontal disease should be treated early, otherwise it can lead to cardiovascular disease. Periodontal disease can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause damage to other organs. Wang Weimu, Director of International Medical and Guandi Outpatient Clinic of Yueting Dental Clinic in Taiwan, said that periodontal disease can lead to infection of the heart capsule. “This is a very serious disease, which can cause great damage to the heart.”

Periodontal disease is also highly associated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. American studies have found that patients with periodontal disease have a high rate of stroke.


Lin Zhihao, an attending physician at the Department of Neurology at Lin Hsin Hospital in Taiwan, said that oral bacteria can affect the brain through the nerves and blood vessels connecting the brain, producing abnormal proteins and destroying nerve cells, leading to brain degeneration and dementia.

3. Blindness

If dental plaque enters the eyeball along the blood, it can cause eye pain, even blindness, and even death in severe cases.

Periodontal disease can lead to receding gums and bleeding when brushing teeth. Bacteria may enter the blood and damage other organs. (Shutterstock/Epoch Times Cartography)

4. Cancer

Periodontal disease has also been linked to some cancers. The internationally renowned journal “British Medical Journal” (British Medical Journal) published a study from Harvard University in 2020. The study found that people with a history of periodontal disease had a 43% increased risk of esophageal cancer.stomach cancerIn some, those with periodontal disease who had not lost their teeth had a 50% increased risk, and those who had lost one or more teeth had a 68% increased risk of stomach cancer.

5. Respiratory tract infection

According to a study, patients with periodontal disease are 3.9 times more likely to develop pneumonia than those without periodontal disease. Because dental plaque may become a source of respiratory bacteria, increasing the chances of bacteria remaining in the throat, eventually leading to respiratory infections.

6. Diabetes

There are many factors that make periodontal disease and diabetes interact and even vicious circle. Diabetics are 2 to 3 times more likely to suffer from periodontal disease than ordinary people. This is because high blood sugar increases susceptibility to periodontal disease and destroys the mechanism of periodontal tissue recovery. People with moderate and severe periodontal disease, if the disease is not controlled, will affect blood sugar metabolism.

7、cerebral infarction

Many studies have found that the risk of stroke in patients with periodontal disease is 1.6 to 3 times higher than that of the general population. There are more than 700 different bacteria in the human mouth, and some bacteria can cause biological cascade reactions, damage the heart and cerebrovascular, and cause fatal diseases such as cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

● Red and swollen gums, bleeding when brushing teeth.

● Receding gums, exposed and sensitive teeth roots.

● Bad breath and widened gaps between teeth are easy to get food residue.

● Teeth growing or changing position, difficulty chewing, wobbling teeth, or tooth loss.

cause of periodontal disease

● Bad brushing habits, bad denture design, wrong treatment.

● Decreased immunity, smoking and drinking, suffering from diabetes, malnutrition, and getting older.

1. Inhibit dental plaque

Inhibiting plaque can effectively reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease. So how do you control plaque? Wei Mu said that the correct way of cleaning teeth is very important, there are three principles:

1. Use the Bayesian tooth brushing method, which is the most effective and correct way to brush your teeth. Hold the bristles of the toothbrush at 45 degrees to the gums, and brush 2 to 3 teeth each time with a slight vibration. Instead of holding the toothbrush back and forth and brushing vigorously, this will cause gum recession.

2. Brush your teeth after eating.

3. Use dental floss to scrape away gaps that cannot be cleaned by a toothbrush.

Use dental floss to scrape away crevices that a toothbrush can’t clean. (Pexels)

2. Regular dental checkup and cleaning

Ask a dentist to clean your teeth every six months, there is a chance for early detection and early treatment. Especially when plaque and calculus accumulate in places that are not easy to remove, such as under the gingival sulcus, only a professional dentist can clean the root of the tooth to prevent further deterioration.

If you experience symptoms such as bleeding when you brush your teeth, gaps between your teeth, and teeth that are elongating, early treatment can restore your gums to health.

(Editor in charge: Zhuo Jing)

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