Petition for Bistro Régent in Abbeville: Help Bring the Famous Restaurant Brand to Your City!

2023-06-11 16:01:28

Bistro Regent

Bistro Régent has more than 130 establishments in France, that of Abbeville (80100), in the Somme Hauts de France, is still awaiting opening by the Abbevillois and Abbevilloises.

In 2015, campaigns were carried out with chef Philippe Etchebest, which gave the restaurant chain great visibility. The starred chef Philippe Etchebest is also the sponsor of Bistro Régent.

Restaurant Bistro Regent Abbeville

Despite the large number of Bistro Régent restaurants in France, none are currently open in Abbeville, in the Somme Hauts de France. However, driven by the notoriety of Philippe Etchebest, this catering brand arouses the interest of Abbevillois and Abbevilloises.

For the moment therefore, Abbevillois and Abbevilloises must go to another city to finally discover the dishes and the atmosphere offered by this successful brand.

Bistro Régent near Abbeville (51 km)

Unfortunately, it’s rather complicated to find a Bistro Régent not too far from Abbeville. Indeed, the city of Amiens has such a restaurant.

Thus the Bistro Régent closest to Abbeville (80100), is in the city of Amiens. The exact address of this catering point is also located at Rue de Metz, 80000 Amiens, France. This inside one of the main shopping center of Amiens, “Les Halles du Beffroi”.

Abbevillois and Abbevilloises must therefore travel no less than 51 km to reach the nearest restaurant. A distance which is rather prohibitive for most Abbevillois and Abbevilloises who wish to eat a meal.

ADDRESS 1: Rue de Metz, 80000 Amiens, France. The Halls of the Belfry.

If you are tired of having to travel 51 km to reach a bistro, you too can participate in our petition for the opening of Bistro Régent in Abbeville. Leave a comment at the bottom of this page, your opinion finally counts!

More information

Do you want to know if the dishes offered by this restaurant brand are halal and thus respect the Muslim rite?

So remember to check the “halalitude” of the Bistro Régent restaurant in Abbeville (80100) and in the rest of France. This by clicking on the link below:


Upcoming openings

It’s happening right now for fans of Shopping Abbevillois and Abbevilloises. Finally, here are the other brands expected to open in the town of Abbeville, in the Somme Hauts de France (80100).

So click on the name of the brand that interests you to finally discover the details of its opening in Abbeville:

Petition Bistro Régent Abbeville

Are you Abbevillois or Abbevilloise? Do you also think that the distance of 51 km to reach the nearest Bistro Régent restaurant in Abbeville is much too far?

Finally, help the sign to choose the address of its next restaurant. So indicate in the comments, at the bottom of the page, your interest in the opening of this brand in your Abbeville city in Somme Hauts de France (Postal Code 80100).

So welcome to Abbevillois and Abbevilloises lovers of the atmosphere, recipes and traditional bistro dishes Etchebest style. Finally, your opinion counts!

#Bistro #Régent #Abbeville #chef #Philippe #Etchebest

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