Physical copies of Anthem are sold literally for a penny


After the disappointment caused by the failure of Anthem Next and the shutdown of intellectual property indefinitely, there is “good news” for BioWare’s sci-fi RPG: Anthem’s price drop is over. Yes, but only because now the game is sold for mere pennies!

The user, known on TikTok as ClockLava, explains that he went to the local Gamestop store and was surprised to find that the store was selling copies of Anthem for the symbolic price of one cent, presumably to get rid of stock.

The borderline situation described by Tiktoker appears to have replicated at the second store of the well-known video game store chain, as user Spider-Man_Fan explains, showing online photos showing the purchase of dozens of copies of Anthem at Gamestop for a nominal price of just one cent.

According to the receipt shown by the Reddit user, the store applied a discount of more than 95 percent on the price of $0.59 (including tax) for 37 copies of Anthem purchased. Other than the major gameplay flaws, the early end of post-launch support, and all the issues that have plagued Anthem since its release on PC, PS4, and Xbox One on January 25, 2019, this is certainly a very good deal.

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