Physicians are concerned about the quality of Medicine graduates. Only 15 races are accredited by Aneaes – Nationals

Of 38 Medicine careers in the country, only 15 are accredited by Aneaes in the national model and only 4 are in the Arcu-Sur model, that is, at the Mercosur level. In June 2021, there were also only 15 accredited. The Paraguayan Circle of Physicians asked the Ministry of Health and the Cones to only issue the professional medical record to graduates of accredited careers.

The doctor Gloria Mezapresident of Paraguayan Circle of Physicianspointed out yesterday that they are worried “by preparation with which the doctors date nowadays. I have relatives who are in college and in these two years they did it virtually, and their preparation in that sense leaves a lot to be desired.”

“Currently the Ministry of Health record everything medical school degree. we have several medical schoolsbut not all are evaluated Y accredited by Aneaeswhich is the one that evaluates what are the conditions in which these faculties are giving their knowledge”, added Meza.

For this reason, the Paraguayan Circle of Physicians sent a note to the Ministry of Health and the Cones demanding that in order to access the medical professional record be included in the list of requirements the requirement to be graduated from an accredited medical course by ANEAES.

For its part, the president of the Aneas (National Agency for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education), doctor Dina Matiaudaexplained that there 38 Medicine courses in the country, of which only 15 are accredited in the national model and 4 in the Arcu-South Model.

In addition, there are three races that registered to be evaluated in the first quarter of 2022 and another seven that were presented in a second call.

Although the law of creation of Aneaes, 2072/2003, establishes the obligation that the Medicine careers go through the evaluation and are accredited since its creation, there is a resolution 166, of the National Council for Higher Education (Cones), which allows faculties continue registering graduates of Medicine without going through the accreditation process.

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