“Picture taken by Kwang-soo”…’I’m Solo’ 9th generation Young-sook, Kwang-soo ♥ and Love Star

picture explanationYoungsook revealed her recent status. PhotoㅣYoung-sook SNS capture

‘I’m Solo’ 9th generation Young-sook revealed her love star with Kwang-soo.

On the 1st, Young-sook posted several photos on her Instagram along with the caption, “Photo taken by 9 Kwang-soo.”

In the published photo, Young-sook, who enjoys a date with Kwang-soo, is happy. Young-sook showed off her slender limbs and perfectly digested her sponsored outfit.

In particular, Young-sook aroused the excitement of viewers by releasing a video that seemed to run to Kwang-soo, who was filming herself.

Meanwhile, Young-sook and Kwang-soo, a psychiatrist, became a final couple in the 9th finale of SBS PLUS ‘I’m SOLO’.

Afterwards, Young-sook, who suffered from abusive comments due to suspicions of broadcast spoilers and controversy over her live broadcast attitude, posted on her SNS on the 30th of last month, “Damage, dissemination of false information, slander against myself, my family and acquaintances, and accusations related to insults. I hired a lawyer a few weeks ago and I am in the final stage of filing a complaint. If there is more data, I just need to add it. It doesn’t matter domestic or foreign sites.”

[이현주 스타투데이 인턴기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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