Pilot fatally injured in glider aircraft crash in Carinthia

So far as is thought thus far, the person flew from Klagenfurt Airport over the Karawanken Mountains into Slovenian airspace within the early afternoon and crashed on the return flight on Austrian territory on the north aspect of the Weinasch for causes unknown.

Based on the police report, the pilot was alone in his glider. At round 4:40 p.m. Austro Management obtained an emergency sign from him. Because the pilot couldn’t be reached regardless of a number of makes an attempt, a search operation was began, which additionally concerned a police helicopter and a rescue helicopter.

At round 8 p.m., the crew of the rescue helicopter found the crashed glider on the north aspect of the Weinasch within the Bärental in a cirque at an altitude of about 1,700 meters.


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