PKB Accuses PBNU of Deviating More from NU’s Khittah

Tumpeng rice decorated with NU and PKB logos (ANTARA PHOTO/Muhammad Adimaja)

Deputy Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Jazilul Fawaid said that the current Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) has deviated from the NU struggle line or khittah. This was conveyed in response to the feud between PBNU and PKB.

“Because PBNU today is deviating more from the Nahdhatul Ulama’s khittah,” said Jazilul in the MPR RI weekly discussion entitled ‘Can the Mass Organization Law and Political Party Law Intervene Each Other?’ at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, today.

Jazilul said that PBNU has deviated as seen from the current attempt to take over PKB. In fact, PBNU’s authority is as a mass organization while PKB is a political party (parpol).

The Deputy Chairman of the MPR said that there is indeed a founding council of political parties (parpol). The founder of PKB in this case is PBNU.

“But after the political party was running, the founding board had no control. Well, the same thing happened with PKB which was founded by the ulama party which happened to be facilitated by PBNU at that time. Not PBNU today,” said Jazilul.

Jazilul said that PKB actually still carries the vision of the ulama in the mandate of political struggle. So, it brings PKB to achieve the targeted political achievements.

Also read: Vice President Ma’ruf is ready to be a peacemaker in the PKB – PBNU conflict

“That’s why PKB is a party that today, Alhamdulillah, in 2024 will become the largest national party with Ahlu Sunnah Walajama’an orientation in Indonesia. With 68 seats and thousands of district and city DPRD members. All of them carry the spirit of Ahlu Sunnah Walajama’an struggle in the political framework,” said Jazilul.

PBNU, he continued, also carries a vision of ulama. However, with a different task capacity from the political realm.

“Meanwhile, PBNU also has a vision of ulama, but a vision of the community, building madrasas, building Islamic boarding schools, building other community facilities,” said Jazilul. (P-2)

#PKB #Accuses #PBNU #Deviating #NUs #Khittah



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