“Plastic teeth on a shabby face”: Maxim Galkin, who changed his image, became a copy of Elena Vorobey

Marianna Veselovskaya

1 time ago

Maksim Galkin

Moving to Israel did not have the best effect on the appearance of Alla Pugacheva’s young husband, fans say. Cosmetic manipulations and a trip to the dentist completely deprived the artist of the remnants of masculinity, they are convinced.

A little over a year ago, Maxim Galkin (recognized as a foreign agent in Russia) really managed to amuse the people, demonstrating a healthy sense of humor at concerts. However, after the start of the special operation, the comedian was one of the first to criticize the historic decision of the authorities, after which he drove off abroad with his wife and two children.

The cancellation of concerts in Russia at the request of outraged viewers, the termination of contracts and the dismissal from Channel One did not have the best effect on the mental health of the unfortunate showman, commentators on the Web say. Resentment and anger – it is these feelings, they believe, that now control the once-top artist who is trying to make money on tour in Europe and the USA.

With each new performance, the program of the artist canceled in his homeland is supplemented with offensive and ridiculous jokes about the Russian army, politicians and, of course, colleagues. Who would have thought that the ex-husband of Alla Borisovna would be across the throat of the offended Maxim Alexandrovich. Recently, Galkin has been publicly declaring that it is time to send Philip Kirkorov to the front, and in his signature transparent tights.

Apparently, Maxim Alexandrovich is jealous of the pop king, because he managed to keep all his positions in the best possible way. The career of the popularly beloved “bunny” in Russia continues to go uphill, while the comedian has to entertain the public for supposedly very modest fees.

At the same time, the comedian who fled abroad continues to announce his performances with pathos. Thus, Galkin, apparently, is trying to prove his own worth. A separate topic of conversation among his yesterday’s fans is increasingly becoming the appearance of the not so young spouse of Alla Pugacheva. According to fans, the desire to look like a perky youth led Galkin to the wrong steppe: bleached teeth and hair sticking out in all directions turned him into a copy of another famous humorist, Elena Vorobey.

“Plastic teeth on a shabby face”; “This smile of Guimplain looks unnatural”; “Remains of masculinity, ay? No, they left Maxim”, “Max is the spitting image of Elena Sparrow,” Internet users reacted to the “beauty” demonstrated by Galkin.

Elena Sparrow

Source: Instagram

Photo source: Instagram, instagram, Anatoly Lomokhov/Global Look Press

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