Police News recommends 5 ways to shop safely online in 12.12

Morning news 7 colors – online shopping day 12.12 PCT police come out to recommend 5 ways to improve security “Online shopping” without the risk of being hacked

The Information Technology Crime Suppression Center or the Police Department has posted a message via the PCT Police Facebook page on the issue of “online shopping”, raising the level of security without risk so that “online shopping” is very safe. climb Reduce the problem of accounts being hacked or being accessed by crooks to important information. As a result, money is lost or there is an unexpected amount of credit card use.

5 ways to improve security Risk-free online shopping is

1. Choose a safe website or application : Must choose a shop on the online trading website or application that is reputable, safe and reliable.

2. Avoid using public Wi-Fi to pay: online payments should be connected to the internet via a mobile network or choose a home Wi-Fi connection is best. Avoid making online financial transactions over public free Wi-Fi, as there is a high risk of bank account hacking.

3. Always check messages or credit card receipts : You should apply for notifications from the bank through the application. It can verify that money has been taken out of the account.

4. Change your payment password once a month : You should change your password regularly, maybe every 30-60 days, and set a password that is hard to guess. Avoid setting a password with your date of birth or the numbers that appear on the face of your ID card.

5. Binding a bank account that is not the main bank : should be a bank account that does not have money lying in the account If you want to go shopping, transfer money from another account to fit the cost of goods and services. This will help reduce the problem of having money in your account unknowingly sucked out.

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