Pollen allergies: why do my eyes itch? – Featured

2023-04-17 09:14:20

17 avril 2023

Being allergic to pollen means that come spring, a series of unpleasant symptoms manifest themselves. Runny nose, scratchy throat and… itchy eyes. How to explain that they are thus inflamed?

The microscopic pollen grains released by plants measure between 20 to 60 micrometers on average. Transported in the air at certain times depending on the species, they penetrate the respiratory tract and come into contact with the eyes, which causes more or less serious inflammation in people with allergies. Grasses, cypress, juniper, ambrosia, birch or even hazel are particularly allergenic.

The inflammation thus caused in the eyes is manifested by effects similar to those of conjunctivitis: watery eyes, which itch, become red and let out a sometimes purulent liquid. And for good reason, it is the conjunctiva, this transparent mucous membrane covering the inner face of the eyelids and the outer surface of the eye, which reacts by producing antibodies.

How to react in case of allergic conjunctivitis?

Certain measures can lessen the effects of this inflammation. “Keep your eyes clean and remove any crust and debris that accumulates”recommends the Diar Saada Ophthalmological Clinic. “For some people, cool compresses can be helpful. Wet a clean washcloth with cool water and apply it to the itchy eyes for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. »

Nevertheless, “If you are using cold compresses, do not apply them immediately following applying topical treatments to your eyes. It might cut out some of the medicine, so you don’t get the full dose”, can we still read on the website of the clinic. If these basic measures do not alleviate the itching, consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

  • Source : MSD Review – Diar Saada Ophthalmological Clinic, Algeria – Ophthalmological Center Paris 17 -SOS Œil – Ameli.fr – Krys.com – Institut Pasteur de Lille

  • Written by : Dominique Salomon – Edited by: Vincent Roche

#Pollen #allergies #eyes #itch #Featured



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