“Pool of Lawyers to Defend Municipal Institution Created by Serigne Mboup”

The mayor of the municipality of Kaolack, Serigne Mboup, has announced the formation of a team of four lawyers to defend the local government. This follows ongoing attacks on the town hall by some individuals, turning it into a political arena and even insulting members of the municipal team. The mayor clarifies that the town hall is a public building and not a private or political territory. The legal team will handle all the legal matters concerning the municipality, while the elected officials attend to their duties.

Kaolack, March 24 (APS) – The mayor of the municipality of Kaolack (center), Serigne Mboup, announced the constitution of a pool of four lawyers who will be in charge of the defense of the municipal institution, noted the APS.

”For a year now, some people have made the town hall a political or private terrain, (…) even going so far as to attack buildings and insult personalities from the municipal team. While the town hall is also a public building in the same way as the prefecture, the governance or the court,” argued the mayor at a press conference on Friday.

This pool of lawyers “will take care of the legal affairs of the commune and we will take care of the work for which we were elected”, noted Serigne Mboup.

In conclusion, the mayor of Kaolack has taken a strong stance in defending the municipal institution against attacks from opposing forces. By announcing the formation of a pool of lawyers, he is sending a message that the municipality is not to be taken lightly and that they will fight any legal battles with determination. As Serigne Mboup pointed out, the town hall is a public building and as such, deserves to be respected. Hopefully, this move will bring an end to the controversies surrounding the municipality of Kaolack and pave the way for a more harmonious relationship between all stakeholders involved.

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