Pope Francis Meets with Indigenous Women Leaders Championing Change in the Amazon Region

2023-06-03 10:17:02

The Pope recently met with three indigenous women leaders in the Vatican. They told the Pope about the work that women have done for the Amazon region and the Church. The Pope encouraged them to “go on and say that no one can stop this change”.

(Vatican News Network)Pope Francis received three indigenous women leaders, Patricia Gualinga, Laura Vicuña and Yesica Patiachi, in the Vatican Pontifical Building Library on June 1 ), they are representatives of the Amazon Regional Council of Churches and the Pan-Amazonian Church Network, and they represent the Amazon residents of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru respectively.

On March 4 this year, the three indigenous leaders wrote a letter to the Pope, telling him about their efforts over the years to defend the Amazon and its people, and thanking the Pope for his constant attention to the Amazon. . This area is very important to the whole ecosystem. They handed the letter to Cardinal Pedro Barreto of Peru. To their surprise, they received a reply on March 9: the Pope invited them to the Vatican to talk with them face to face.

After the meeting on the morning of June 1, the three female leaders told the Vatican media about their feelings, saying, “It was a pleasant, peaceful and trusting conversation.” “For us, the meeting with the Pope was a matter of great joy,” said Sister Bicunia of the Franciscan Catechist Sisters. “It was a historic meeting.”

The three indigenous leaders addressed three main points in their conversation with the Pope, namely, “the work of women in the Church in the Amazon region, the affirmation of this work by ecclesiastical institutions, and the realities of indigenous peoples and education”. They also expressed their concerns to the Pope “in order to make him aware of their concerns”. Most worrying are the policies in place in many parts of the Amazon that, according to them, violate human rights at an international level. Guaringa said it “in particular violated the rights of the inhabitants of the Amazon”.

Three indigenous leaders told Vatican Radio that the Pope praised the efforts of Amazonian women, their concern and their evangelization. “The Pope encouraged them to go forward and said that no one, no one, can stop change,” they explained.

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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