Pork meat vs. Beef: which is less harmful to health?

Meat is one of the most important elements in a person’s diet. due to the amount of protein it contains, but also one of the foods with the most stigma regarding the impact it has on health. We tell you which meat is less harmful to health, beef or pork.

Despite the amount of protein it has, pork and beef They are surrounded by a series of stigmas about the upbringing of the animal, the use of hormones, the amount of fat they have and the diseases they can cause, but which one is healthier?

Beef or pork? Which is less harmful?

In accordance with Maria de la Luz Zambrano, academic of the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Cuautitlán of the UNAM, in addition to having a pleasant flavor, pork contains protein, minerals like iron and zincB vitamins and essential amino acids necessary for good nutrition.

The specialist clarified that, although it is believed to be bad, pork fat has monounsaturated fatty acids, similar to those found in sunflower, fish, nut, and seed oils; the only difference is that they solidify at room temperature.

He even assured that pork fat is more beneficial than that contained in beef or veal. At the same time, he added that livestock and agricultural practices have reduced risk of infectious agents and increased its quality and hygiene.

However, Zambrano recommended eat it maximum three times a week and consume cuts such as sirloin, loin and leg, for its low fat content and contribution of oleic, palmitic and linoleic lipids, the main acids it contains.

At the same time, he highlighted that chops, bacon and ribs, among others, contain a high fat content and could contribute to an increase in cholesterol and triglycerides.

As for beef, it is recommended to consume lean or low-fat meat such as leg steak, fillet, loin and skirt, from which you can get vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorescent and zinc, just like the pig.

Although beef has more fat, it also has more contributions of iron, zinc and manganese.

In general, the specialist assured that red meats provide potassium, iron and phosphorus, an important mineral for the proper functioning and development of erythrocytes (blood cells), so we must include them in our diet but in moderation.

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