Power cuts: it will be possible to use your smartphone during load shedding, here’s how to do it

Next January, Power cuts targeted could take place on French territory. Of the load shedding certainly punctual, territorialized, but which give rise to real concerns within the population even if these, are not a fatality according to RTE. The manager of the electricity network recalls that power cuts will not happen if the French stick to the instructions and shift the use of their electrical appliances particularly energy intensive.

Nevertheless, all scenarios are considered. For example, we know that these load shedding could occur depending on three slots during the day. We also know that in the event of load shedding in the morning, the schools will be closed, etc.

This Monday, we learn that in the event of a power cut, it will still be possible to use your smartphone.

20 minutes max

If you need networkor of wifiwhether you want to make a phone call, do an internet search, use an application or send a message, you will have to subscribe to Orange. Indeed, the Orange network will be able to operate after the start of the cut, informs the operator. “This bonus network moment is possible thanks to the backup batteries placed on the antennas of the mobile operator. Orange is the only operator in France to benefit from batteries of this kind”, according to our colleagues from BFM TV.

But Orange is not a miracle worker either. Indeed, these batteries will only be able to operate the network for a maximum of 20 minutes.

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