PRAEVENIRE Health Forum in the ORF: Make Patient Summary a lighthouse project in ELGA

2023-07-31 15:10:06

PRAEVENIRE CDO Franz Leisch presented the key data today in the ORF format “Aktuell nach Eins” and calls for “ELGA emergency data set”.

Vienna (OTS) Every person in Austria can now do their banking via a mobile phone app. But in the surgery or in the hospital, the doctor cannot see whether you have allergies, which medications you are currently taking or whether you have a chronic illness by looking at the ELGA electronic health record. “As good and forward-looking as the ELGA platform is, which has been around for almost 10 years, the lack of a brief overview is a glaring deficiency,” explains PRAEVENIRE Chief Digital Officer Dr. Franz Leisch, doctor and expert for digitization, in the ORF format “Aktuell nach Eins”. And that would be precisely what was expected of ELGA. As a patient, you do not always have to tell your medical history again every time you visit a doctor, and doctors can be sure that all relevant information is available. Now, thanks to an initiative by the EU Commission, there is a chance that such a patient summary will also be introduced in Austria, for example as an “ELGA emergency data record”. “Similar to a registration certificate – just digital – all relevant patient data is listed here in a structured way,” says Leisch.

Semi-automated creation with customization

With almost 9 million people who have health insurance in Austria, the question naturally arises as to how and who creates so many summaries. The PRAEVENIRE health forum has looked at and analyzed international examples very closely over the past few months. Portugal is an interesting example – one of the countries that already have such a patient summary. This was implemented there in the form of a semi-automated solution. The IT system collects all the relevant data and makes a suggestion as to what the patient summary might look like. The family doctor then checks and supplements this information and can intervene where necessary. That saves time and money. Nevertheless, individual adjustments are easily possible. And in the future, all new medications, implants or other interventions will be noted here. “After an initial investment, this saves time and resources – just like an energy-efficient washing machine costs a little more initially, but ultimately saves money,” explains Leisch. His assumption: “If these summaries are available in ELGA, private physicians will also be happy to connect to ELGA voluntarily.”

security assured

Security and data protection must always be guaranteed at the highest level. Since there has been no relevant case of abuse since ELGA began almost 10 years ago, this is guaranteed from Leisch’s point of view. Of course, in justified emergencies, it is possible to view the specific data of a specific person in this patient summary throughout Europe. “But in these cases it is also necessary for survival. It’s the same as if you want to withdraw money in Italy at your holiday destination – then it is also necessary for the Italian ATM to query whether the card is blocked, PIN and card match and the ATM operator registers that you want to withdraw 100 euros and the account is covered in this regard,” explains Leisch.

building block in health care reform

The aim must be that such brief patient information is integrated into ELGA as part of the current health care reform, explains Leisch and sees this as confirmed not least by the Medical Association, which last week also supported such an overview as part of its five-point plan has spoken.

The patient summary interview with Franz Leisch can be found here.


The PRAEVENIRE health forum – society for the optimization of solidary health care, an independent initiative for the optimization of the solidary health system, offers numerous events, such as the health talks in Alpbach or summit talks in Vienna and other places in Austria, an independent platform to discuss important health policy topics and questions about To discuss care and to develop proposed solutions and recommendations for action in the form of a yearbook for politicians and decision-makers in the healthcare sector. To this end, experts from all areas of the healthcare system and patient representatives are invited to contribute their expertise to the discussion. The patients are always the focus of all considerations.

Questions & contact:

Rainald Edel, MBA
Lazarettgasse 19/OG 4, 1090 Vienna
(T) 01/402 13 41-40
(F) 01/402 13 41-18

#PRAEVENIRE #Health #Forum #ORF #Patient #Summary #lighthouse #project #ELGA

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