Prao Fa moves, shouting that each of them walk differently, there is no need to hurt each other.

2024-02-27 17:48:43

It has become a drama issue for former friends of Channel Noi Si between “Prawfa Karanchida” andGirl “Prim Prima” who came out to interact with each other in a fierce manner After netizens went to ask Prim on her wedding day. without a dazzling sky, my dear friend came to congratulate me until I got the answer… “We’re not friends anymore.”

And someone came in and asked,
“Is there any chance we’ll be friends again?”

Prim said that “No, because ever since the incident happened, he has always misunderstood Prim. and never came out to protect it even though The mouth says love Really dear friends They don’t do things like this.”

And there were also people who came to comment and ask,
“Proud wedding, bring you flowers And who are you giving your wedding to?”

To which Prim responded directly. In a way that doesn’t hold back. “Is it a blessing? You have to separate it out as well. What is the current situation like? And don’t talk like you know everything just because you’re listening to one side of the story.”

Praofa also responded on his own channel saying

“Brothers who ask about Prao in various channels You’ll probably get a clear answer. Don’t ask again until your heart hurts.

More than 10 years ago He is a truly loving person, like a family member. Never thought it would become like this What has changed? I can’t find the answer either.

From now on, I must admit that We can no longer be friends who shared suffering and joy like we once dreamed of. But no matter what Every path you choose May you always be beautiful. Time proves people…”

Recently, Proudfa moved again after netizens commented on a girl’s post. “Prawfa” is about…

“No one knows the truth, but they make comments that cause damage to both sides, causing a good friendship to end. Both partners’ decisions should be respected. and still believe that friendship will return”

While the girl “Prawfa” came to comment and reply that…

“Thank you for taking the time to type. Each person has grown up and chosen their own path. If you don’t love each other, then there’s no need to hurt each other. Prao asks for forgiveness With everyone, whether directly or indirectly, we will not hold grudges against anyone. May they all have an even better life, and may we never meet again in every life. There is nothing left with each other forever. Amen. Please allow me to spend the rest of my life happily with the person I love. and love only us Thank you for your good wishes.”

#Prao #moves #shouting #walk #differently #hurt

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